Part 21

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He wraps his arms around your waist, then you realize. You never came inside by yourself. "Did you carry me in here?"  You ask a small laugh follows. 

"Yeah I did,"  You feel him grin into the back of your neck as he buries his face deep into your hair. 

"Laurence,"  You say 


"I love you,"  You say softly,  you felt so much safer being in his arms.  Being held by him. 

"I love you too,"  he says back, and you pass out.  

The next morning was calm as both you and Laurence got ready. You had woken up later that night and you both didn't go back to bed.  He said that he had talked to Aphmau about going and that he wanted to do it.  It shocked you a little,   So that morning you went over to Aphmau's to tell her that you would be excepting her offer.  She didn't seem surprised by the fact,  but you chose not to think much of it.

You put a few small things into your bag, you both had to be a little more serious for this trip.  No goofing around.  Its what the both of you had silently agreed on.  There were two ways to get to Blue Diamond, one is by boat or by a horse.  Going by boat would take much, much longer and none of you had the time, or patience to build one last minute.    So horses were the best option,  it was a short trip so it didn't take much longer than a day to get there.   Of course, with more people it took longer, more people meant more stops, more stops took up more time.  You didn't really have a deadline but you wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

~Time skip because I'm tired!! :)~

You finally made it to the gates of Blue Diamond.  You felt bad about getting here when stars were in the sky but you knew that Zach would be on top of having good guards on duty.  Of course, that thought made you feel slightly more at ease.    You are let in by a new guard Anna and taken to Zach's home.  Haven't even been gone a week and he already has new guards on patrol.   You smile to yourself,  the kid had a good eye for those types of things.   You knew he would do great here.   

Zach opens his door,  he looks a little taken back at the sight of you.  "Back for your position already? Huh?"  He grins as he lets all three of you into the house.

"You know it,"  You both laugh and then your face grows serious as all three of you sit down on a sofa.  "Actually,  I have received some news,  and I'm here for personal reasons.  Regarding my mom. "  His eyes widen,  he knows everything that you know about your mom.  He knows that she just disappeared one night and never came back.  He knows just as much as you do, which isn't very much

"Okay?"  He says 

"So us three will be here for some time and will be trying to figure some things out.  If that's okay, Za-" You stop yourself "-Lord Zach?"  his face grows a shocked expression, you know he isn't used to you saying that.  But it's the respectful thing to do. 

"Of course,  anything your you Y/N..."  He says "Looks like you have friends in high places now..."  

"Yeah I guess I do,  I got so used to being the one in High places,"  You both laugh, 

"Take as long as you need, and stay in your old home, its always open for you,"  He gives you a warm smile.

You all decide to start working tomorrow and get a good nights sleep.  That wasn't your original idea but it was two against one.    You lay down in bed next to Laurence, and curl up.  While Laurence was stretched out onto the bed.  Not long after you can hear the soft breathes from him.  You turn towards him just staring,  watching the rise and fall of his chest.  He was a cute sleeper,  he breathed through his small nose, and his lips were parted just the slightest.   His face looked at peace,  looking at it made you want to snuggle up next to him and go to sleep.  But you knew that he would want his space tonight, seeing as he hasn't been able to get a good nights sleep for two days straight.  So instead you draped your leg across his,  just for the slightest touch.  And you dozed off. 

The sun shined into the room,  and you didn't want to get up, you were so comfortable in your bed.  You had almost completely forgotten the reason you were here.   You sit straight up and rush over to get dressed.  Most of your old clothes still here.  Laurence sits up from the bed and without saying a word he sits up and gets ready as well.  It felt kinda funny to be here getting ready with him when you have only known him for a month.

(A/N:  It actually has been a month since they have known each other not counting the time while you were in the nether.   Sorry Time is a little wonky!)

It felt nice though,   it felt calm,  it felt...  Like something you had never had in your life and it was amazing.   You smile at him while you slip your pants on, almost falling over from attempting to do so.  You earn a small laugh when that happens from Laurence.   It made you feel a bit better hearing him laugh, and not as nervous as you were before.  

You both walk outside together and down the steps,  where Aphmau is already sitting kitchenkirchen table.  

"I would have made you breakfast but usually Zoey does the cooking,"  She laughs to her self a little.  Aphmau is already fully dressed, her hair is pulled back with a bow and a cup of tea is in her hand.  Aphmau continues, "Are you ready?"   She asks looking you directly in the eye.

"Im ready,"  You grab Laurence's hand and hold it tightly.  You had no idea what you were going to see in there but you knew,  that you were going to learn the truth that day...


AHHH  Sorry for the spam Updates!   But I was just publishing all the ones I had written right now...  Make sure to vote, comment, and check out some other stories of mine!  Love you all BYYYYEEE

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