Part 11

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She lays down after she ties you to a chair and she lays down to sleep, but you dont, you're scared to. You just look out a window, or at least what you think used to be a window... But eventually your eyes become droopy and you fall fast asleep...


                                                                                 We continue 

Your eyes flutter open and you look around,  the house is much lighter and the sun is directly in your face.   Then you hear footsteps, they are loud and quick.  Whoever is making them is in a hurry.  The footsteps become closer and soon they stop.  You look up at the doorway and see a figure.

"Y/N?"  The voice is familiar and kind, you realize it, Laurence.  You look back at Sasha but she is nowhere in sight.  Laurence draws closer to you, but he stops when he hears a laugh. Then you notice it, Sasha.  She was going to come up behind Laurence.   But before you can say anything Sasha appears behind Laurence and hold a sword at his throat.  

"Come to get girly eh?" She giggles,  "Why dont you drop the weapon, Laurence."  SHe says you didn't even realize how swiftly Laurence drew his sword.  He drops it and begins to turn his head toward Sasha.

"So you did go back to the Nether?"  He says you were confused on why everyone was saying that.  That she went back to the nether, Levin even said it.

"The moment I escaped,"  She giggles

"What do you want with her,"  Laurence says, anger growing in his voice and eyes.

"You can't tell?  She's a Shadow Knight silly!"  She laughs louder this time.

"What?" He looks back at me 

"It all happened so fas-"  You begin but Sasha cuts you off.

"Shh,"  She makes the sound to shush you.

You stay quiet, but instead of listening to Sasha taunt Laurence you start on the rope on your hands.   You almost have it,  and you get the last little knot. You look to Laurence and he completely understands.  He gives you a slight nod.  Sasha must not notice this.  

All of a sudden Laurence falls back and on top of Sasha, he quickly takes her sword.  You get up and off the small chair, you were in.  Laurence throws you Sasha's sword and he picks up his own.

You walk over to Sasha as she begins to stand up.  You put the knife right on her neck.  

"You know for someone who has been a Shadow KNight for so long, you cant tie a few knots for the life of you..." You Laugh

"Please dont kill me,"  She pleads

"Dont beg for your life, it's not attractive,"  You say, even though you have begged multiple times for someone to spare you.

"Y/N, Dont."  You hear Laurence say

"Dont worry I'm not going to do anything rash."  You say lowering your sword "I'm not that cruel,"  Sasha sighs in relief.  Then you see Laurence walk up next to you.

"But dont think you're going to get away with this either,"  He says picking her up by the arm, you both walk to what seems like an old guard station.  Laurence throws her into a cell and locks her in.   

Suddenly Alexis runs in and says "I just heard what happened,"  She says 

"Word travels fast,"  You say turning to Laurence, then you remember everything.  What you said to him.  Laurence nods and looks back to Alexis 

"Can you take watch?"  He asks "I want to talk to Y/N,"  He says 

"Already on it," She says walking over to Sasha's cell.  Laurence starts for the door and then turns back at you,  you haven't moved yet.  He gestures you to come along and you slowly head for the door.  You both walk along the path in complete silence until he says it, "So a Shadow Knight huh."  

"Yeah,"  You say

"When did it happen?"  He asks 

"When Zach and I started back for Blue Diamond,"  You begin  "SOmeone- No, Victor kidnapped me and went back to the nether."

"You saw Victor?"  He asks  

"He wasn't the same person I knew, he was different..."   You say

"I see,  have you..."   He says you know what he's talking about.

"I haven't killed anyone yet..."

"Yet?  Are you-"  

"No! No no, I'm not going to kill anyone, it's just that Sasha was trying to get me too."

"Oh,"  He begins "I have a question though,  who would you kill?"  


"Who would you kill, if you were going to..."  

"I'm not completely sure, that's a hard question to answer, you know?"  You begin  "But I was thinking, it was between two people."

"And who are they?" 

"Michael, and..."  You stop yourself "You,"

"Me?"  He asks  "Why me?"  

"Laurence I may not have known you a long time, but I really care for you."


"I know, I know..."  You say walking ahead of him and towards the inner gates.  You look back at him, "Everything happened so fast you know, one minute I was on my way home when I was in the Nether."

"I get it,"  he says "Y/N, I really need to know something,"


"Why did you kiss me before?"  You laugh

"WHY do you think I did it?"  You ask "I love you, you dork..."  He looks shocked by your words.  "I know you probably dont feel the same way but-"  You suddenly feel arms wrapped around you.

"I missed you so much when you were gone!  I didn't think I would but when you left I realized what a fun and wonderful person you are."  His words were sudden but you loved them.  You wrap your arms around him and hug him tight and a few tears go down your face.

"But I thought-"  

"I dont want Aphmau, I want you..."  You feel a kiss on your cheek, and he looks into your eyes.

"Um sorry to interrupt..."  You hear a familiar voice behind you, you turn around and see Zach.  You pull away from Laurence's hug and walk towards Zach.  

"You're okay!"  You say, he smiles.

"You're okay!"  He says "Someone pulled me off into the woods and then I saw you get captured by..."

"Victor...  I know..."  You say

"But Y/N,  something bad happened..."


"Its the village..."


A/N:   See you next time!

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