Part 19

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You didn't know how much the village cared for Laurence.  He really is famous here. You take one bite of your cake causing your taste buds to jump for joy.   

You here a gentle voice continued, "Don't break his heart, okay?  He means a lot to all of us here."  She sounds like a mother talking about her son.  

"Okay,"  It kind of scared you a little though. She had the softness in her voice but her eyes tell you something like: Hurt my friend and it won't end well.

You smile at her.  There was no way in the Nether that You would hurt Laurence.  He made you so happy.  

"Understood,"  You say nodding.  "Thank you so much for the cake it was amazing but I have to go meet Aphmau." 

"Of Course, goodbye,"  You walk out the door giving a small wave in her direction.  

You had a warm feeling throughout your entire body.  Did you really make Laurence that happy?  You knew that he made you happy.   You make your way to Aphmau's house, to tell her of you leaving.  You almost felt guilty for going to find your mother, for putting your family before the guard, before aphmau.  But you always told yourself:  Family comes first.  Which is the reason you left the guard in the first place?  When your father got sick you 'Retired'  Taking care of him all the time.  Then when he passed you took his place as Lord.  And then the rest of the story from there. 

You walk up the stone steps.  Dreading to tell her, you barely knew her.  Which meant you had no idea how she would react.  You hear that she was a kind person, but that's just what people told you.

You reach her door and take a deep breath. You knock softly but enough for her to hear. You hear someone coming down the steps, and you see the door open in front of you. Aphmau is on the other side, with a smiling face, you say calmly, "We need to talk,"




You sit at her table a cup of tea in front of you, "You know what Sasha said, right?"

"Yes," She says "About your mom right?" She asks her face and eyes calm.

"Yeah, You see. What she said is a big deal, and I'm going to go look for her. Meaning I'm leaving for a while."

She nods, "Is Laurence going?"

"Probably not, he's meant to be here, and I doubt he wants to leave. He doesn't even think she's telling the truth. " You say quietly

"He has a point though," She says. Was she really going against me? You think to yourself.

"Excuse me?" You ask, anger growing inside you.

"I'm just saying that I've met her, multiple times. She even lived here. She could be lying so easily. It could be a trap!" She Raises her voice the slightest bit. Almost as if she was trying to give emphasis to those words.

"I have to take this chance Lady Aphmau. " You say firmly " I don't know my mother, I never did. She didn't tuck me in, sing to me. Read to me every night before I went to bed. I want to get to know her. To talk to her and if there is the slightest chance that I can do that. Then I'm taking that risk. I need to know where I came from. And I'm sorry if you don't support that. But Family comes first. Not the guard. I'll be leaving tomorrow, I will be coming back. If that's fine with you."

She smiles "You remind me of what Dante said the day he became my guard." You look at her confused "He told me that if he were to choose his brother over me, he would. That family came first." She continues "Y/N I understand that family comes first, and I get why you are leaving just please be careful. You don't have anyone watching your back." You nod, You didn't say this but you didn't normally trust people watching your back. You felt better watching out for yourself than you did others.

"Thanks," You say getting up, you start for the door. But you hear your name being called from Aphmau. "Y/N," She says it as if she just had a great idea and wanted to share it with you. " What if Laurence and I came with you?"

"What?" You were surprised that what she thought of. A minute ago she didn't even want you going. And now she wants to follow you there?

"That's right, just think about it..."  

You don't say anything instead you get up and walk out the door.  You didn't want her to come because of your still her guard.  He coming meant you had to protect her, and you didn't want to babysit.  You didn't know why but you didn't even like her.  She was a good lord, and a good person but somehow you didn't like her.   

You went to your house,  expecting Laurence to still be on patrol.  But when you open the door, you see him making a chicken on the counter.  God, he can even cook.  You think to yourself. 

"You aren't on patrol?"  You ask calmly 

"No, Alexis wanted it, so she's on duty. But now you get me all to yourself~" He sings cockily 

"Good point, very good point."  You walk up to him and kiss him gently on the lips.  " I'm going to be leaving tomorrow..." You add.  You didn't want to tell him, only because 6ou know how he feels about it.

He sighs, "Okay, be safe, ". He kisses you, at first gently but then it grew into something more Passionate.  He pulls away and looks into your eyes.  "Is there anything else?" His voice is soft and slow.

"Aphmau wants to come. " You say


"She wants to help me I guess, but if she goes I'm going to have to protect her.  And what I'm dealing with, and this being personal.  I don't want to have to protect her.  Does that make sense?" You ask

"Yeah, it does. I totally get that."  You don't tell him about the conversation you had with Kawaii~Chan.  Not wanting to hurt his pride.

"Laurence are you still set on not going?"  You ask quietly, you wanted him to come. More than anything. 

"I'm not totally sure, I'll know by tomorrow," He kisses me on the forehead.  You were together for not that long, and you already look like an old married couple.  You had no idea if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 

But you didn't care.  All you knew was that he was right in front of you.  And you loved him and he loved you...

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