Part 6

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"Yes, it pains me to say but I still love the table," You ignore them, you are somewhat annoyed by Aphmau. You walk inside the tower and up the ladder, you make it to the final floor and see four windows you walk to one of them. You sit on the ledge and look out to the ocean. It's a bright blue, and you can see something out in the distance. On a hill, you see it, its a statue of Lady Irene. You smile remembering how much your mother adored her. You feel a tear go down your face, shocked you wipe it away. You haven't cried over your mother for a long time, you try your best not to.

You look down to the ground and off in the distance you see it...


                                                                               We Continue                  

You race down the tower and run to the figure you saw in the distance. You run past Laurence and Aphmau who are still laughing and joking.  Laurence looks happy a different look than before when you tried to get him into the tower.  Which you still don't get why he wouldn't go in.

"(Y/N)? What's Wrong?"  He says running after you  "(Y/N)?"  He says catching up to you 

"I saw someone in the distance, "  He runs with me and soon Aphmau catches up with you.  Shes panting but You don't slow down. You have to get to them before they get away.  You make it to where you last saw them and see HIM.   He has dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes.  He's the one who killed Victor.

"You bastard!"  You say running up to him, drawing your sword and holding it at his throat.

"(Y/N)  DONT!"  I lear Laurence yell at me 

"YOU! YOU KILLED VICTOR!  I HAVE WAITED A LONG TIME TO KILL YOU!"  You say so mad you can feel our face getting hot.  All of a sudden you get thrown to the ground.  You look up to see Laurence over you.  

"Stop this now!"He says. And you do you calm yourself down.  You suddenly feel streams of tears go down your face. You sit up and hug Laurence,  you feel his arms wrap around your waist pulling you into a right hug.  You bury your face into his shoulder.  When you get up and look behind you the man is gone.  Aphmau then appears through the trees. STill hugging Laurence, you hear  Aphmau say.

"He ran off, I went after him but I couldn't catch up,"  Laurence breaks you hug and walks over to her.

"Its okay you tried,"  He says

"Tch," You say under your breath.  You realize what you did and cover your mouth luckily they don't realize or at least you don't think they did.  You begin to walk back to the tower and walk back up to the third floor.  You kneel at the window and look back out at the ocean.  You hear footsteps behind you,  you realize you were once again crying and you wipe them away and look behind you.

"Hey,"  He says coming to sit next to you on the floor.

"Hey,"  You say back

"So that was him?"  He asks 

"No duh,"  You say "Sorry,"  

"Its okay, I would have reacted the same way."  He says.   You sit in silence.

"So why wouldn't you come up here before?" You ask "You don't have to tell me, "

"No, it's okay, Gorroth.  We would hang out here on breaks.  Laugh, joke, talk about the girl we both loved.  But when he didn't come back with us it hurt to be around places like this.  You know?" You nod leaning your head on the wall behind you.

Then you get up walking up to the window across from you.  

"Somethings wrong,"  You say looking out the window 

"What?"  Says Laurence getting up.  You don't answer, you speed walking downstairs and to the rest of the village.  

You peer through the gates and see bandits,  you draw your sword and walk slowly through the village careful not to let them see you.  They don't see you but they do spot, Laurence.  One of the bandits runs towards him but you move quickly stabbing him in the gut.  Then the other six bandits rush towards you and Laurence.  You fight them off,  and then you hear a scream.  You look behind you and see Laurence in a pool of blood.  

You quickly get to the bandit and slit his throat, making him fall onto the ground.  You rush over to Laurence and scream for help.

"Somebody help!"  You scream hurting your throat in the process.  You then see a man with blue hair rush over.

"Oh my Irene, we have to get him to the safe hold."  He says. You help the man known as Dante get him to the safe hold.  You lay him on the bed and he barely opens his eyes.  

"Wheres Aphmau?"  He says barely Audible 

"I don't know,  where is she?"  You say looking around and then resting your eyes on Dante.

"She had to make a quick trip to Bright Port,  she won't be back in about a week,"  Dante says "As much as I want to be here..."  He begins 

"Its okay, go make sure the village is okay, let me know if I can be any help."  You say 

"Thank you, do you think you could watch over Laurence?"  He asks

"Yeah, no problem." You say pulling a chair next to Laurence's bed.  He looks so peaceful, and adorable,  he's so sweet. I just love him so- Wait nonono what did I just say?  You say to yourself.  

Laurence opens his eyes and looks at you, "How long have I been out?"  He asks his voice shaky

"About three hours,"  He begins to sit up but you quickly lay him back down "Where's Aphmau?" He asks 

"In Bright Port,"  You say, him still not realizing you are holding his hand.  

"What? Why didn't she tell us?". He says

"I don't know..." You say suddenly feeling him tighten his grip in your hands.  He must be in pain.

"I'll go get Dante," You say standing up. 

"No, stay." He says pulling on your arm to bring you back to your seat.  You smile, then the thought rushes to your head.  You see him getting thrown into the lava.  You hear him screaming telling you to go.  Not getting your revenge made you mad but you didn't want anyone seeing you like that.  You didn't want Laurence seeing you like that.

"Okay,"  You smile resting your head next to him, closing your eyes. Just for a minute.  You say to yourself.

"M'lady, there are creatures at our gates!"  Zach says running up to you.

"What?"  You say running past him and towards the Village gates.  You then see them their eyes yellow and cloaks for a skin.  You feel as though they are staring into your soul. Finding every one of your dirty little secrets, every lie you've told.  You quickly turn away and look behind you, to see Michael run up to the gates as well.

"They're-" He begins 

"Shadow souls..."  


Word Cpunt: 1226

A/N:  What will happen?  Will the village be overrun?  Will they make it?  Who knows...  Comment on what you think 


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