Part 9

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"Zach, ". You say turning around to him and then you realize he isn't there
"Zach?" you scream he was just there a moment ago when you were talking with him. You get off your horse and walk around by the edge of the forest. In the middle of the trees, you see it. Zach's horse is between to large bushes.

but before you can do anything,  everything goes black...


                                                                           We Continue 

You slowly open your eyes and look around.  Everything is blurry,  and it feels as if it is a million degrees.  You then feel a sharp pain on your left side.  You try to look around but you are immediately pushed back to the hard surface you were laying on.   You make out a figure and all you can see is red.  

"Where am I?"   Your voice is shaky and you can tell you haven't had water in at least two days 

"You're in the Nether,"  You can tell it the voice of a woman and its high pitched

"What?"  You attempt to scream but all that comes out are loud coughs you need water 

You then hear footsteps and you hear another voice this time a mans,  but this one sound so familiar.   You make out a tall man with black hair.  "So you successfully turned her?"  It says and then you realize it.  

"Victor?"  Your voice is still shaky and it hurts to talk.  You reach out a hand towards who you think is Victor.

"Hey Y/N?"  His voice suddenly soft and welcoming.  You smile until everything goes dark again.  And you feel a sharp pain on the side of you head.

"Victor..."  You whisper 

You wake up,  your throat worse than before but now your vision is back.    You look around,  you think back to before,  "So I'm in the nether..."  You say just above a whisper,  you look down at your arms and see circular lines around the wrist.  They must have tied you with a rope.  A/N:  KiNkY!! Sorry I had to lol

You look around the room is barely lit and it hurts your eyes to look around.  

"Ugh,"  you feel a pain in your head,  you need water.  You then see a person come into the room.  Her hair is white and she has purple eyes.  

"Hey,"  She says that the voice you heard earlier.  "How are you,"  Her voice is kind but you dont trust her.

"What do you want?"  You ask 

"Well, we wanted to turn you into a Shadow Knight!  Silly!"  She clears her throat "Well, we already did..."  She says 


"Hehehehe,"  She giggles 

"I'm a Shadow Knight?"   You ask, everything happened so suddenly!  How did you get here?  Why do they want you?  How long have you been here?

"Yup! Now all you have to do is kill the person you care most for, to gain your immortality,"  She once again giggles as if what she just said meant nothing. "Who would you kill?  That cute little guard of yours?  Michael? Or maybe Laurence?"  She laughs louder this time "I have been watching you, and it's obvious you love him."  

"I dont want to kill anyone!"  you say ignoring what she just said about Laurence even if it were true.  You then feel a warm tear go down the side of your cheek, and resting at the end of your chin falling into your lap.

"Well,  we are going to take you to the real world and you're going to kill him whether you like it or not..."  Her voice grew more serious 

"Now let's go,"  She says pulling you up to your feet 

"I'm not leaving without Zach!"  You say pulling away from her grip. 

"You mean that little guard?  He's fine we didn't bother to take him we left him in the forest,"   She laughs.  You feel better to know that he's okay and that he wasn't turned like you.   "Now let's go,"  She says with a grin as you walk out of the room you seem him.  But this time not blurry,  Victor.  You want to run up and hug him but you know he's changed, you can tell by the way he looks at you.   As you brush past him you whisper, "How would Andrea feel if she knew..."  Andrea was the woman that Victor loved,  she was a great friend of yours.  You were sad that he loved someone else but at least it was someone like her.  Someone fearless, someone selfless, someone who was nothing like you.  Then you realized it! This is how Laurence feels, he's happy because she's happy.    "I'm such an idiot!"  You think to yourself you need to get back and apologize even if it hurts your pride.

Victor looks at you, the pain growing in his eyes but at the same time, he looked furious. Your eyes meet his and by the way, he looks at you, you can tell he is no longer the best friend you once knew. 

The woman pulls you away from him.
You get one last look at him, his once blue eyes now a blood red.  You get pulled off into the distance until Victor is nothing but a dot.   

"Victor did a good job bringing you here!" The woman giggles

"What?  He brought me here?" You ask

"Mmmm!" She laughs "Oh I just realized I never told you my name!"

"I don't care what your name is!" You snap at her

"Hmm feisty, eh? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. The names Sasha, " She says

"Well Sasha, am I really a Shadow Knight?" Her face grows more serious

"I know it can be hard at first, but soon you will love and serve our King, 

"King? "So I am a Shadow Knight

"Yes, " She doesnt say anything else the rest of the walk.  You look around, the Nethrr is a place you never wanted to return to. It reminded you of death, and you never liked it.   Suddenly Sasha stops and you hit your nose on the back of her head.

"Ow, " you say under your breath. When you look up you see it the Nether portal.  It is very much active, you didn't even think of how you got to the Nether. Someone must have passed through.  You need to warn the other Lords!

"You ready?" Sasha asks

"Yeah, " you say stepping into the portal.  Everything is blurry and your head begins to ache and after what seems forever you and Sasha make it.  You step out quickly happy to be out of the Nether.  But when you step out something is wrong, a feeling in the air.  Something is happening that shouldn't be. 

Then you notice that the portal has to symbols on it.  The Moon and Sun...  That must mean...

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