Part 1 The taking

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Jeonghan pov

Me, woozi, mingyu, the8, Josuha, seungkwan were all at a coffe shop, picking up coffe and coffe cake for tommorows lunch and breakfast since we have a long day and we wont have time to cook.

As we finish paying, I'm about to walk out when boo tugs on my sleeve, "Do we have to leave right now, I dont want to go home yet" I laugh at boo's despert pleading, but I cant help with agreeing, the real reason we all came out here isn't just for the food, we came to get away from our boyfriends. Don't get us wrong we love them and all but they can get a little protective and crazy😂

I quickly pull out my phone to text seungcheol, knowing he will freak out if we are even 1 minute late.


-hey babe me and guys are going to stay for a few extra minutes to have a cup of coffee, dont wait up for us, be home soon, love u❤

  -ok that's all right babe, don't stay out too late, and come straight home after the coffe shop, don't go in any place weird, or talk to strangers, love you too❤

I laugh at his text, he makes it seem like I'm a 5 year old going over to a friends house. I tell half of boys to go find us a seat, as the rest of us go get lattes.

About a half a hour or so later, we exited the coffe shop, to revel a bright night sky, as me and the boys were walking home when The8 asked a question.

"Should we take the allyway to get home faster, Jun keeps texting me asking when we will get back" "yeah same with vernon" boo whines hopping to convince me.

"I dont know guys, you know they don't like us going through alleyways ecpessily at night, remember the last time, we went against what they said, mingyu couldn't walk for a week!" Mingyu rubs his butt remembering the trama. "True but I want to get home faster"

After back and forth arguments, I finally agreed, but made them promise not to tell the boys, as we carefully entered the dark alleyway, I heard noises from a dumpster, I jump, Jousha comes to put a arm around my shoulder "come on its probally just a stray cat." As we keep walking I feel a strong pair of hand grab hold of me, I try to scream but the man puts a cloth over my mouth, the last thing I see is the same thing happeing to my friends. Then I black out

An/ this is my first story ever thank for taking time to read it, See you next time

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