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  6 years have passed and Jeongcheol had 2 girls. Choi Gemini and Choi Light. "So since the girls are at Jennie's house, any dinner ideas?" Seungcheol smirks. "Pasta." Jeonghan calls out pretending to be oblivious to the question, while reading his book. Seungcheol leans over the couch and plucks the book from his husband's hand.

  "Not what I ment." Seungcheol clicks his tounge. "Yes I know, and I'm taking the girls out tomorrow, I want to be able to walk tomorrow." Jeonghan rolls his eyes. "Just have Jennie to take the girls for ice cream tomorrow baby." Seungcheol whispers. Jeonghan let's out a long sigh and pulls out his phone. 


-Hey Jennie, can you keep the girls a bit longer tomorrow and take them out for icecream, Seungcheol's in the mood, and I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow!


-Uh Jeonghan, the girls never showed up...


-Wait Jennie please tell me your joking!


-I wish I was Jeonghan, I was hoping you still had them or smth, do you need help locating them?


-No it's fine, I remember Joshua saying he'd invite the girls over. No need to worry. But thanks.


-Ok... Hmu if you need anything.


-Sure will, bye Jennie.

  To say Jeonghan was nervous was an understatement, he was having a full on panic attack. He showed Seungcheol the texts. "Ok babe let's calm down, we'll call Josh and figure this out I promise." Seungcheol says as this brought back terrible memories of Jeonghan's capture.

Jeonghan called Joshua but he didn't have the girls. Neither did the others but they all met up, and searched for them. "This is bringing back memories." Hoshi whispers as the sun was setting over there town. Jeonghan had thought ahead, and was tracking Lights phone. "Down here." Jeonghan says heading into an alleyway not even hesitating despite being scared of them.

  He stops in a dumpster. He pushes open the lid, and climbs up. And jumped inside. "Omfg he just jumped inside a disgusting dumpster!" The8 gagged. "Things change when you become a parent." Jun says. Jeonghan then pops up, to be helped out by Seungcheol. He helped up Lights yellow Phone, the screen was cracked and barley worked.

"The girls were taken."

This was just a bonus chapter lol!

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