Part 14 The rescue 2/2

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Jun pov

"Hao hao!" I yell loudly barge into the8's room, but I freeze when I see him stuck in a damn glass box lying unconscious. "OH HELL NAH!!!" They should know haohao is claustrophobic as hell this probably just made it worse.

I grab a jack hammer from the corner, and smash it against the glass as hard as I can, It shatters in a second. I grab the8 trying not to cut him or myself on the glass. He is alive thank god but he is sleeping. I pull him up letting him rest peacefully on my back. As I race out of the room.


"Mingyu?" I call poking my head into the room, I see him facing the wall having a full on conversations, and I'm here like wtf, is he insane?! "Babe..." I say cautiously walking over to him tapping his shoulder. "Oh hey, do you want to join me and my friend to a play with us" he cheers giving me a psycho smile. "Mingyu, It's me Wonwoo your boyfriend, we have been together for 11 months now" I rub his back hopefully trying to snap him out the trance he is in. "B-b-but Jhope said no one else loved me, and that I was alone" he whines his eyes tearing up.

I sigh and snap the chain around his ankle in half, causing him to stare at me in shock, I pull him to his feet and down to my height, smashing my lips against his, he doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. I pull away and press our foreheads together "whoever told you that you were not loved and appreciated, that person is a f**king liar, I love you so goddamn much gyu"

Just then his legs give out and he collapses, sh*t he just went into temporary shock. I pick him up and toss him over my sholuder and race out of the cell towards Seungkwan's cell.

S.coups pov

Soon we are all in the van, "Ok updates on the number #2's" I call out. Hannie is sitting in the passenger seat next to me passed the heck out. "Seoksoo" I call facing the couple "Fine just really flipping cold" Joshua calls wrapped in DK's jacket and blankets. "Soonhoon" "HOSPITAL! he is in really bad condition but he is still alive" Hoshi calls out supporting woozi in his seat

"Junhao? Wbu" "Sleeping, but idk if he should go to hospital" Jun calls out, as the8 is peacfully sleeping on juns shoulder " Nah he will wake up eventually, Meanie" no response "Meanie?!" "Ummm I may have sent Gyu into temporary shock, so hospital" Wonwoo mumbles, I face palm. "Saving him does not mean sending him into shock Wonwoo." I hear wonwoo mumble a apology.

Soon I pulled up to the hospital. And all the #1's picked up thers boyfriends. "My name is Choi Seungcheol, and 2 of my friends need medical care stat" I say fastly to the lady at the check in desk.

    Two doctors came and took Gyu and woozi away there boyfriends following them. Dino takes Hannie over to the others to sit down. "May I get a doctor to check up on a my boyfriend to make sure he is ok" I say pointing to Hannie. She nods and scribbles something. I walk over to the boys and sit down pulling hannie into my lap placing kisses on his cheek causing him to let out a little giggle sleepily.

"Yoon Jeonghan" A doctor says. I stand up pulling Hannie with me, leaving the others in the waiting room as he walk into the doctors room, I'm not allowed in right now so I wait outside the door. Hannie gives me a worried look before steping inside letting go of my hand.

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