Part 29 (Bonus!) Forever

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Hannie's pov

Today was me and Seungcheol's 3 year anniversy, sure we started dating 1 year ago, but we actually met 3 years ago. Seungcheol also said he had a surprise for me.

  "Babe tell me where we are going plz" I beg as S.coups pulls me to where ever we are going."No not yet Hannie we are almost there" He says.

"Ok you can take your blindfold off, but look straight ahead" He annoumces. I take it of to see a beautiful view of flowers and mountains.

"It's beautiful" I gush, but alitte bit sad that this was the thing he was talking about for about 1 month

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"It's beautiful" I gush, but alitte bit sad that this was the thing he was talking about for about 1 month.

"Ahem" Seungcheol clears his throat and I turn to face him. "Baby I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you which is why-" He gets down on 1 knee.

  "Yoon Jeonghan will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me" he says holding out a ring box, giving me a small smile.

"Yes" I yell tears streaming down me cheeks, I pull him to his feet, and smash my lips onto his, and we share our first kiss as and engaged couple.

2 months later.

   Me and the rest of the vocal unit are in a dressing room getting me ready for the wedding. "Omg I'm so nervous" I say as I can't help but move my body around. "Stop moving I can't do your make up if you keep moving" Dk exclaims as he grabs my shoulders in attempt to make me stop moving. "Try doing his hair then cuz its just as hard for me" Woozi said as he is standing on a stool as he re-fixed the messy parts of my hair.

"Guys relax, and its ok to feel nervous Hannie" Jousha says fixing my suit once again "I know I would be nervous If this was me, But no one has proposed to me" he says looking at dk. "Soon Joshie soon" Dk says patting the olders back.

  Soon everyone had left to go get set up on the stage so I was left all alone, then my mom came in. "Omo my son is so handsome" She gushed, linking her arm in mine.

    We steep out to the aisleway and Mom lets go of me when we reach the front

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    We steep out to the aisleway and Mom lets go of me when we reach the front. Me and Seungcheol lock eyes, I can't help but get flusted at his outfit.

 Me and Seungcheol lock eyes, I can't help but get flusted at his outfit

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The rest of the hiphop unit are his best men. And Woozi, Boo, and dk are mine. And Jousha insisted on on Marrying us.

I take Seungcheol's hand I am now face to face with him

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I take Seungcheol's hand I am now face to face with him. "You look beautiful" He wishpers into my ear causing me, to blush like crazy. "You also look really handsome" I whisper.

"Ok lets get this thing started" Jisoo announces as he steps in between us two. (I'm going to skip over all the boring things cuz we don't got time for that)

"Yoon Jeonghan do you take this man to be you husband forever" Jisoo ask looking at me.

"I do"

"Choi Seungcheol do take this man to be your husband forever" Jisoo ask looking at him.

"I do"

"Then I pronounce you guys officially husbands you may kiss the Groom" Jisoo says excitedly. Then Seungcheol pulls me into his arms, and we share our first kiss as a married couple, the performance unit and all of our family and friends cheer loudly for us.

The rest of the night was filled with dancing out butts off, and once the parents left we spent the rest of the night "trying" to do karaoke and watching Vernon try and hit high notes with Boo is something we will never forget.

During the middle I pull Seungcheol off to the other side of the room "Look at our kids" I laugh as they are all riding on each others back as Dino is dancing to Michal Jackson on the tables.

"Its going to be a fun life with these 11 other idiots" Seungcheol says as he pulls me in for another kiss.

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