Part 10 The plan

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Dino pov

We all sat around the kitchen table thinking of a plan on how to get the rest of #2's back. "Seungkwan what was the address for the house again?" wonwoo said pulling out his,smart phone. "**** *** ***", he types it in and shows us the image. Immediately S.coups recognized the house. "Omo that's the Bangtan house?!"

"The what house?" I asked, "they are one of the best and youngest CEO company here in Seoul." He says. "And I think I just thought of a plan" he says giving us all a smirk.

He shows us a add saying that they each needed new personal assistants, "So which one of is going to apply?" Dk asks looking around. "I'll do it, I don't have a boyfriend loocked in the basement" I say raising my hand. "I'll do it as well" vernon says putting his hand on my shoulder, giving me a sly grin.

"I'm coming to" Boo adds, making us all give him really looks, "Boo you realize, if you go with the 2 other makanes that bts is bound to recognize you, and you also need to help the #1's find there boyfriends" Jun says facepalming. "Ohhhhh right" Boo says making us all laugh.

After a few more hours of getting the plan figured, out I look at the clock to realize it's almost midnight. "Guys we should get to sleep its getting late and we have a big day tommorow" all the other agree and head up to bed, we all do a group hug with Boo in the middle.

Tomorrow we should hopefully be able to do a group hug with the WHOLE seventeen.

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