Part 25 Meaine

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Jeonghan's pov

   Me, Seuncheol, Seoksoo, all wait outside the hospital, waiting for the Meaine couple. When then see Wonwoo pushing out a sleeping mingyu in a wheelcahir.

   "Can one of you idots help me, I've been pushing him around since the 5th floor." He says irritated. "How about you carry him to the van, And I will return the wheelchair." Jisoo says and Wonwoo pick Mingyu up bridal style, and basically chucks him into the van, as he plops right next to him.

   Soon we all were in the van, and started are drive home. One the way Wonwoo explained that due to having to get Qlipxx3 out of Mingyu's bloodstream. It made him really sleepy, he couldn't keep his eyes open.

   As we enter the room we see a banner saying "Welcome home Mingyu" the rooms were decorated with streamers and balloons. Wonwoo shoke Mingyu awake, and when he did wake up Mingyu almost started crying.

    Soon we got the meanie situated and we were all upstairs anf decied to watch a movie marathon. Mingyu insisted on making dinner for us. But when I heard a crash we all stood up, "I got this guys continue the movie" I say walking out the door.

   "Gyu?" I call as I walk down the staits. I see pots and pans everywhere. Food scattered everywhere. Mingyu was on the floor sobbing. "Gyu what happened?" I ask picking up the fallen items. "I can't do it, I cant get the recipe correct, Its like my magic touch is gone." He sobs into his hands. I crouch down to his level. " What did you try making" I ask looking around.

   "Dumplings" He admits sadly. Mingyu is the ultimet best at making dumplings, he has a way of doing it that no one can perfect, even when I try too make them they don't turn out like he does. "Ok well how about we clean up this mess, and I can help you with the dumplings." I say giving him a soft smile.

    "I just don't understand why I can do it correctly" Mingyu pouts. "Well after what happend to us #2's we all can't do things we could do, Like the8 can't go in small rooms anymore, Woozi cant do many things regarding his back, Joshua cant go into water. Me and Seuncheol can't even do the things we used to do"
  "What happend to you? You seem perfectly fine." Mingyu asks wiping his eyes. "Gyu.... I was diagnosed with STD's"  I sigh. "Really" Mingyu asked shocked. I bite my lip and nod, trying to hold back tears.

  "But lets foreget about that, lets make the dumplings, I can be your assistant." I say pulling him to his feet.

Soon after a few tries, we got the recipe about 90% perfect. So we called the others down and dug into the food.

"We need more paper plates

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"We need more paper plates." Vernon call out, we usually uses paper plates for dinner, so we don't have to worry about doing dishes.

"I don't know where they are" Seuncheol yells, mouth full with dunplinds. "I do I'll go get them" The8 shouts walking to the supplie closet.

A few minutes later we here a loud crash and a deathly scream.

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