Part 4 Trapped 2/7

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Jisoo pov

I woke up in a dark room, my head spinning, I try to move but my hands are tied behined my back as all the memories hit me, I hear slight pounding on the walls, and yelling mixed with crying, it was super quite and muffled through the thick walls, But I instantly knew it was jeonghan.

I scoot closer to the wall to hear and communicate better. "Hannie" my voice was weak, and hoarse. He starts to ask me if I'm hurt right now, and then asks me what kind of room I'm in. I look around and see a wooden bucket by my feet, and a green hoes in the front of the room, I feared the worst, were they going dump acid or toxic water on me, or worse. Drown me, in attempt of killing me. 

   Tears roll down my cheeks as I think about all the things I haven't been able to do. Walk the grand canyon, finish all my favorite TV shows, remined my friends I appreciate them, tell seokmin I love him. Once seokmin comes to my mind, I can't help but start sobbing. I hear jeonghan trying to comfort me through the wall, but I'll I can do is cry.

  After what feels like hours a man in a green hoodie enters. He fills up the bucket with water. He tries to take me over to the bucket, but I just give him a blank emotion, tear-stained my cheeks.

  "Move it kid" the man says grabbing my hair, dragging me too the bucket, as he pushes my head into the water, making me hold my breath for around 30 seconds. When he pulled my head back up, I take the time to gasp for air, as I shift in the strong man's grip.

As he shoves my head down into the water once more it was longer than before, I breath some water in, choking on it. When he pulled me up, I started to cough up water, "please, stop I can't take this anymore" I beg giving a pleading look

"does it look like I give a damn about if you can't handle it or not" he says annoyed shoving my head down into the water once more.

After 5 more times I start to lose all my breath, the man noticted and stopped for a while. After 5 minutes he then dumps the rest of the water on to me.

"I'll be back" he says glaring at me as he walks out not forgetting to slam the door

This was pure torture, but it didn't seem as bad based of of the screams I hear from the other side of the wall, and those screams belong to only one person....


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