Part 18 The Return

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Jeonghan's pov

After what feels like forever we soon pull up into our driveway. I'm about to hop out when Suencheol stoped me. "I want to carry you in like a bride entering the house for the first time with her groom" He says beaming proudly at his idea. I just laugh "Your so corny but okay" He jumps out excitedly chucking the house keys to chan, All the other #1's pick up their boyfriends.

Chan fimled us as we walk up the long pathway into our house. Singing here comes the bride.

"Welcome home!!!"Seunghcheol yelled as he set me down

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"Welcome home!!!"Seunghcheol yelled as he set me down. The sight of out home brought tears to my eyes, It feltl like I haven't been hear in years. I look at all the photos on the wall as The8 rush past me straight to his room to hug all his clothes and kiss all his shoes.

  Soon we all felt tired and decide to call it a night, we all peel are shoes off and leave them scattered along the downstairs floor.

   Me and  Seuncheol head up to bed, I peel of my clothes changing into my pajamas, it feels good to change into new clothes after wearing the same clothes for almost a week now. I'm about to tie my hair into a ponytial but then I realize I can't anymore.

  Right as I'm about to go to sleep, Seungcheol stops me, "Nuh uh babe you gotta take your shots" He says holding up a needle. I sigh and pull down my shirt exposing my shoulder, right as he is about to poke me I stop him, "C-c-can I hold your hand" He smiles and takes my hand. "Ready?" He ask, I nod and when I feel the sharp sting I grip his hand more.

"Ok now we can sleep" He says pushing me over to make room for him self. He turns to face me "I'm glad your back I don't know what I would do with out you" I kiss his loft lips, and smile back "Glad to be back too" He pulls me close to his chest.

"I love you Hannie" I smile in my sleep and mumble "I love you too" We start to fall asleep in each ohters arms, when we heard a splash from the pool.

Who is swimmig this late at night?!

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