Part 8 Trapped 6/7

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Seungkwan' pov

  I woke up on the floor, my hands tied together by a rope, I was SO not in the mood and I was totally about to kill someone.

  "This is not how you treat the prince of jeju!" I say highly annoyed. I hear a key unlocking the door. I panic and pretend to be alseep, laying back down on the floor, as I hear voices.

"Damn kookie how much chloroform did you use on this kid, he has been out for almost a week" Someone says as I feel him getting closer to me.   Damn how many days have I been out?!

  "Well I'm sorry Chim chim, rember I'm new at this whole kiddnapping thing because that's usally you and taetae hyungs job and I didn't rember how much to chloroform to use, Jin emmoa says 3 pumps and yoongi says 7 pumps?!" Another one yells.

  He used 7 damn pumps of chloroform, even I know that's really dumb.  "You should Pabo you never should listen to Yoongi hyung, don't you rember what he just did to that woozi kid" "Well you drowned Jousha!"

  Color probally drianed from my face after hearing my hyungs names, and the words drowned almost made me shutter.

Finally the 2 boys left locking the door behined them, and I immediately stood up and started working on untying the ropes on my wrist, once I get them off I look around my cell, trying to find a way out, since those boys looked the doors, just walking out isn't a option.

  I than driffted over to the window to examine it, the bars blocking the window were REALLY old and rusty

  After about 5 times of tugging and pulling I mangage to pull out enough of the bars to squeeze my body through the hole

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  After about 5 times of tugging and pulling I mangage to pull out enough of the bars to squeeze my body through the hole. As I fell onto the grass I realized it was around 7pm.

  I thought about going to go rescue the other boys, but I realized it would be better if I had the #1's for backup, and I'm sure one of them would reconize me, so I slipped the poles back into place and walked away from the wall.

  As I made my way to the front of the house, I was shocked at how big the house was, it could probally fit 7 people.

I memorized the address

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I memorized the address. "**** ***** ****" I repeated it in my head, and then it hit me. "This is only 10 minutes away from our house?!" I recognized the road and started sprinting the way towards the house.

  As I reached our house, it brought tears to my eyes, knowing how much I missed it. I knocked on the door, Dino opened the door shook that he saw me there, he was in his dino PJ's and had dark eyebags, "B-b-boo" he says his voice barley a whisper, I grab him and bring him into my arms, as we both start crying. As we pull away he draggs me into the house.

I see jun, hoshi, dk all on the couch talking, when they see me they run to me hugging me and placing unnecessary kisses on my cheeks. "Omg Boo, are you ok, what happened, where are the other #2's" Dk says all at once.

  "Ok ok, guys I'm ok, I'll explain everything in a second, where are the others?" "S.coups, and Wonwoo, are upstairs trying to comfort a messed up vernon." Jun explains, cautiously looking upstairs. "yeah he has been a hot mess, we all have but he is not taking it well, it hit him like a full on tank when it finally sank in that you were gone. Its like he is possessed" Dino exclaimed shuddering. "Call them down, but don't tell them I'm hear yet"

"Hip hop team get your butts down hear" Hoshi yells, a moment later I hear a door slam loudly, making me flinch, hoshi sends me a worried glance, and I just nod. As I hear angry foot steps getting louder, I the savage voice on the one only jeon wonwoo coming around the corner, "SOONYOUNG I told you not to call us the hiphop team, we don't have mingy-" he stopped and just stared shcoked at me, "no f**king way" he mutters. I just smile at him, "nic-" I'm about to say something when I see a falsh of silver lunges for me from the stairs, knocking us both to the ground.

"Boo!" The person yells burrying his face in my chest, but I almost instantly recognize the voice,

    "Vernon!" I yell tears falling from my eyes, he pulls him head up and looks me in the eyes, he eyes are puffy and red from crying, but he looks so different, his soft brown hair was bleached a silverish blue, giving him a edgy look.

  We hug for a bit longer, when S

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We hug for a bit longer, when S.coups spoke up "I hate to barge in on this little verkwan moment but, Boo you got some explaining to do." I sigh and get up basically pulling vernon up with me since he was still clinging to my waist.

"Ok everyone to the couch this is going to be a long story"

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