Part 19 The Thoughts 1/2

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Jisoo pov

It was around 11 pm and I still couldn't fall asleep, I look up and stare at the ceiling. Ugh why can't I just sleep its not that hard. Soon I gave up on sleep. I managed to get out of Seokmins tight hug and was about to leave the room when he considerd waking him up too for company.

No jisoo that just pure stupidness!, you have already been enough of a burden don't make it worse let him sleep. It was true, Seokmin had spent so much time focusing on me, he had barley had time for him.

Sparing one last look at him I walk away from the bed leaving our bedroom, I then walk outside.

I sat down by the pool looking at the moonlight as it reflected a glow off of the clear water. It was a clear night not a cloud in sight but there was a gental breeze.

It's good to be home I think as I look back at our home. I still rember the first time we decided to move in together


"Kids hurry up and pack all your crap up were leaving" Seuncheol shouts. "Babe you do realzie you can't shout so loud there are other students in the dorms" Jeonghan shouts as he drags the left over suitcase out of him and Seuncheol's dorm. "Sorry but these kids take forever, and the new kids will be here soon" He pouts.

I walk over to them and wack Seuncheol on the head with my pillow "oh shut up your older than me by 1 year" I get intrupted when Seokmin comes up and takes my bag out of my hand, "I'll take This" Dk says and he givwe me a sunny eye smile. "You are taking to long, I'll take this down to the car while you finish packing" I give Seokmin a kiss on the cheek and walk back into our room to finish packing.

Soon we all finished packing and lodded into our cars. But Seungcheol drove the group van.

(A/n minus the van, the order of the cars go Jeongcheol, Meanie, Verkwan+Dino, Junhao, Seoksoo, then Soonhoon

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(A/n minus the van, the order of the cars go Jeongcheol, Meanie, Verkwan+Dino, Junhao, Seoksoo, then Soonhoon.)

After a hour we all arived at our new home. We all had graduated, and were ready to start a new life togheter.

End of flashback

I forgot how long I was sitting outside, till I noticed bright clear stars shown down at me. I soon got up getting ready to head back inside to sleep, but I slipped on a puddle of water and fell backwards.

As I hit the ground I smack my head hard, as I roll into the pool. Memories of being drowned flood back into my head. I start to lose conscience.

Why does water hate me so much?!

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