Part 3 Trapped 1/7

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Jeonghans pov

I wake up in a small dark room, wondering how I got there. Then everything flooded back to me, I strated crying, but then I remember the other, "Jisso, Gyu, The8, Woozi, Boo." I sob pounding on the wall. I feared the worst when I heard no answer, it was quite.

I should have never let the boys convince me to go through the alleyway, I should have listened to
Seungcheol, as I though about him questions flew my head. Do the boys know what happend to us, Are they looking for us, what if there not tho....

I started pounding on the wall again still crying, until I heard a soft voice."Hannie" I can't help but smile through my tears after hearing jousha's voice "Jisoo, omg are you ok, are you hurt" "yeah I'm not hurt just my hands are tied behined my back" jisoo voice was soflty heard through the wall. "What does your room look like" I ask looking around mine "there is a bucket by legs, and a water hoes... hannie I'm honestly terrified" I can hear him crying.

"We are going to be ok" I say trying to comfort him, but I'm honesty scared as well. All I can hear is joshua's soft cries.

My hands and legs are chained up along with my hands, and my waist has a metal bar around it that is attached to a chain linked to a wall, those idots took my phone alone with my keys, and the rings and necklace .

My thoughts were intrupted when a man in a mask walked in with a bat, I looked at him and started shakning in fear. He walked up to me and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Well I guess it's my lucky day, they gave me the best one" he says smirking as he plays with my long blonde hair, causing me to start crying. "Stop crying b*tch!" he say as he slaps me, causing me to cry even more. He curses under his breath and ties a cloth around my mouth basically muting me. "Now let the fun begin"

He beats me, he is hitting me with a bat, kicking me, and he is also basically raping me, giving me hickeys on my neck and such, And basically wreacking my waist down. And I'll I can think about is what is happening to the other boys.

A/n Thanks for reading, I'm going to post the other boys "experience"

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