Part 5 Trapped 3/7

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Woozi pov

I woke up in a dark room my hands chained up and I'm basically hanging to a pole. I start screaming angrily.

"What the heck is this, why me?! I never should gone into that alleyway with those stupid boys, way to go Jihoon"

As I kept cursing myself for being so idiotic, some random dude came in with a duffel bag of who knows what?!, and I got even more mad.

"Yah you, you over it the stupid hoodie, how could you do this to me, if I wasn't chained up, I would have beaten you up, guitar or not!" I think I may have poked the bear a little to much, cuz when he turned to face me he looked pist off.

"Omfg will you just shut up already" he yells as he slaps me hard across the face, in peer anger I kick him straight in the gut sending him stumbling backwards.

"Ok thats it!" He snapped, he stormed over to his bad amd pulled out a Whip!! he stomped back over to me, he turned me around then...


I feel a multiple deep cuts being sliced into me back and the back of my shoulders ripping through my shirt. I let out a scream in pain




As if something inside me snaps my whole guard crumbles as I start sobbing. Which is something I never do.

"Please, please stop, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for kicking you, stop it hurts please." I beg in between tears. But he doesn't listen to me and just continues to whip me.




After awhile he stops. But the back of my shirts has so many rips, and also soaked with blood, I probally had so many cuts on my back and my shoulders.

The man was atleast kind enough to unhook me from the ceiling, letting my weak body crumple to the ground.

I dragged my self to wall to my right immediately kicking away the whip that layed right infront of me, I placed my ear to the wall not even knowing who is right beside me...

It was silent... And that scared me

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