Part 22 Baseball Bat

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Jeonghan's pov

Today was saturday which ment shopping night. Which was allways ny job, but after last time Seuncheol insisted he go with me.

We had to take a long drive to the supermarket we have to go to now, Thanks to Booseoksoon we got banned from the one closer to us. So it was around 1-2 hour drive.

    It was around 6pm, and me and him are walking along the busy crowded sidewalk to the next convince store. When suddenly I'm pushed into a crowed of people, being pulled away from Seuncheol.
Soon I end up far away from him I cant even see which way he went. I start to panic and race down the street, hoping to see him. I didn't see him, but I did end up smack-dab into a man. "Sorry" I mumble as I get up and try to leave, but he grabs my wrist.

"Leaving so soon" the man whispered, he was drunk, as his breath smelled like hard alcohol. He started to run his fingers through my hair. "So pretty and soft" he murmurs, causing me to start trembling.

He strats pulling me towards an alleyway, So I strat screaming and pleading for someone to save me. "Shhhhh, no need to scream baby, you'll be fine" He says clamping a hand over my mouth

Once we get deep enough in the alley he pins me agianst a wall, and starts to kiss my neck leaving dark hickey marks. He then starts undoing my shirt. He runs his hand along my chest, then drags his nails across my chest.

  He then starts working on my pants when I hear a lound "Thunk" and the mad drops to the ground, the second he lets go of me, I fall to the groung due to my legs giving out. I look up and see a girl with a baseball bat in her hands,"F**king Bastard" She snarls glaring at the now unconscious guy. Her look softens when she looks at me. "Are you okay sir" she ask coming close, all I do is sob harder.

  "Hey, its okat now, I promise I'm not going to hurt you, My name is Jennie Kim can you tell me yours" she has hint on kindness in her voice. "J-j-jeonghan." I muster out. She smiles, and holds out her hand for me to take it. Once she helps me to my feet, we start walking out of the alleyway.

"My place isn't to far away from here, we can go there and get you cleaned up. Is that ok" I nod and we start to her house.
"Where do you live?" she asks. "About 2 hours away" she sighs "I Think its best if you crash at my place and have someone to pick you up tommorow, would that be alright?" I nod and we keep walking.

  Soon we reach her house, Its small but comfy. I sit down on her couch and watch her stash her stuff into her room, and come back with a first aid kit. She cleans up my bruises. And bangaes my face. I'm still not talking due to me being terrified.

"Since you are staying here, Do you have someone to call?" she says pulling out her phone, i nod and type in Seuncheol's number, and hand her the phone. "You want me to talk" I nod and she takes the phone pressing the call button.

Jennie's pov

I can't believe I'm hosting this guy in my place tonight. Well he did just get physically raped. "Hello" I hear a boys panicked voice it was deep, but you can tell he has been was crying. "Umm do you know Jeonghan?" "Yes he is my boyfriend and he went missing why did you do something to him becuase I swear to god"

Wow this guy is really protective of his boyfriend. "Sir calm down, your boyfriend is at my place and he is perfectly fine, But due to his situation he will be staying at my place." I can hear him practically breath out a sigh in relief "Thank you so much, take care of him, I'll call back in the morning" He then hung up.

Well I guess your staying here to night jeonghan.

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