Part 15 The Price

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Jeonghans pov

I sat on the bed as the doctor came to examine me, I nervously scooted away from him, my body trembling. "It's ok, I promise I'm not going to hurt, I'm just going to check to make sure you have no severe injuries" He says trying to comfort me, but only 1 thing could. "I want to talk to Seungcheol" I whisper. "Ok I'll go get him" He says walking out.

   S.coups pov.

I'm sitting outside waiting when the doctor steps out and walks over to me "Umm, Jeonghan says he wants to be with you right now, I think he may be having a panic attack, I can't get close to him, without him panicking" I nod understanding as I race into the room.

   The doctor was right he was having a panic attack, he was curled up on the far side of the bed shaking. I carefully walk over to him and gently hug him "Baby I know your scared but you need to let the doctor help you, I promise you he will not hurt you in anyway" He looks up at me dead in the eyes "Promise" I nod "Yes I promise, and I'll be next to you and I will be holding your hand the whole way."

  Finally Jeonghan let the doctor get close enough to him to check him, But he still wouldn't let go of my hand, We we're now waiting for him to comeback and tell us the results if he has STD's.

  As the doctor came back in Jeonghan held my hand tighter, as the man began to speak. "I'm really sorry to say but patient Yoon Jeonghan has been diagnosed with STD's" at those words Hannie started sobbing into his hands. With out hesitation I pull him into a hug rubbing his back trying to comfort him.

This is all my fault, I should have just gone with him to the coffee shop, or picked them up, I had a chance to protect him and the others, But I failed.

Jeonghan's Pov

   The second the doctor told me I was diagnosed with STD's I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and started sobbing into my hands. Seuncheol hugs me and comforts me, but that doesn't stop the tears from flowing.

   "Thats all for now, I'll give you both some alone time, when you are finished please check in with the lady at the front desk" He says as he walks out.

The second he is gone, Seuncheol looks me dead in the eyes, his eyes watery. "Why are you crying Baby?" I ask as I wipe his tears with my hand. "I feel like this is all my fault, There were so many things I could done to prevent this, I could have just gone with you, Or pick you guys-" I cut him off my placing a kiss on his soft pink lips. "Hey hey listen to me, THIS. IS. NOT. YOUR. FALUT okay?" He nods and hugs me agian.

  Soon we walk out of the room and over to the desk lady, While Seuncheol is filling out my paperwork, the other lady hands me a bag full of needle injections, "You will need to take these once a day to help with the Std's, and I promise you that it will get better" I nod and she flashes me a encouraging smile.

  Me and Seuncheol, walk back to the boys, before I can say a word I'm tackled into a tight hug, I notice the pink hair reconzing its Jousha. "You have no worried I was about you!" He yells, I laugh and give him a tight squeeze "Good to see you as well Jousha" We soon let go of eachother, and I then give hugs to everyone else there, except 1 of them, who refused to look at me.

  "Boo, look at me please" I say kneeling infront of him, He was crying into his hands. "It's all my fault, I was the one to convince you to go through that alleyway, If we had just walked on the street like you said, none of this would have happend" He cried. I sighed and hugged him singing softly into his ears as he leans more into the hug.

  After a few moments Dino brought up a question I was hoping did not come up.

"Hyung what is in that bag you've been holding?"


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