Part 11 The Mission 1/2

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Dino's pov

Today was the day, the day we go rescue the bangtang house and get #2's.

I went to get ready, me and vernon change into suits and the rest of the boys into casual balck clothes

I went to get ready, me and vernon change into suits and the rest of the boys into casual balck clothes

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As we all piled into the van, S.coups chucked to ear peices to me and vernon. "Here, wear these and I will be telling you what to do, dino remeber the plan?"

I nod "of course I explain that we are inspired by them and would want to have the interview with all of them, vernon then asks to use the rest room grabs the spare keys to the cell and then runs out side to toss them to you, then boo sneaks you guys in through his cell and you get the #2's and exit through his cell, then once they are in the van you give us the code and we will wrap up the meeting, exit call the cops to report them, and then meet you at the van the next street over then we drive them home or the hospital,"

Soon we reach the area we agreed on, 1 street away from the bangtan house, me and vernon hoped out, as the car started too pull away from the curve, S.coups rolled down the window "we will be waiting for you u vernon it the left bush in around 5 minutes wait for my signal then ask." he nods. Then Wonwoo rolls down his window and says "F**k this up and I will personally cut both of you're heads off" he says glaring at us, S.coups rolled up his window for him and drove up to the next street.

It finally turns 10am the time our meeting starts. we quickly hurry to the door as we turn on are ear buds, I knock on the door soon an man in a suit come open the door smiling. "hello are you the two here for the interview?" the smile never leaving his face. "Yes I am Lee Chan and this is Hansol Vernon Chew" I announce before bowing, "why hello I am Kim Namjoon head of the bangtan boys CEO, please come inside." he says stepping aside allowing us to enter.

   As we all sat down the boys were all about to introduce themselves but I stopped them "please no need for introductions we both know who you guys are, we have been interested in your company for a while now" which was a utter lie, me and Vernon had stayed up late last night learning each one of there names and every little fact about you from there recent hair colors to the precise point of there smiles.

"ok so which 2 of us do you want to interview you?" Kim Seokjin asked fixing his hair. I look at Vernon and nod signaling him to speak. "umm the thing is we don't actually know, se we were hoping you all could interview us right now then you guys decide who we would go best with, and it doesn't matter who get matched with, we work well with anyone" he says flashing his radiant smile. "well I guess we could do that we don't have any thing better to do right now" Jung Hoseok say giving us big smiles. "great lets meet in the conference room" Namjoon says gesturing us to the large room.

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