Part 7 Trapped 5/7

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Mingyu's pov

I woke up tied to a chair. And I start thinking about how much trouble I'm going to be in with wonwoo because we broke the dumb "no alleyway rule"

"Wonwoo gonna make sure I won't be able to stand for a whole goddamn year" I groaned as I tried get out of my chair.

I was so focused on secretly trying to untie the rope bounding my hands together, I didn't even notice that a man had walked in and was now unpacking his bag full of needles and mysterious liquid labeled "Qlipxx3", "What the hell is Qlipxx3?" "Actually who in the bloody-hell are you?!" I ask highly annoyed when I didn't get a answer.

"You ask to many questions." He says as he grabs my haed pulling it to an angle, I feel him stick a needle into my neck injecting blue liquid into my bloodsteam. And right at that moment I successfully untied my hands, I pushed past the guy as I tried to make my way to the door. The guy didn't even try to stop me he just stood there with a stupid grin on his face, and know I see why.

Righ as I am about to reach the do it, I feel the liquid kick in, I trip over my own feet falling hard to the ground. I jhst lay there stuned as i feel like million of knives are digging into each and every part of my body. I let out a painful yell begging for the pain to go away. Then the guy walks over to me dragging me away from the door, I started, screaming crazily for him to let me go, "SHUT UP ALREADY" he yelled punching me hard in the face. I just start laughing like a maniac, he stares at me like I'm a lunatic, as he places a meatal cuff around my ankle attaching me to the wall.

He then gave me 3 more injections into my neck, and you could say that I was hearing colors and seeing sounds, I was basically losing my damn mind, one minute I was laughing for no reason then sobbing my eyes out for reason. And it went on like this for days, or thats just what it felt like.

That guys was never really hear except to give me more injections when he felt like the serum was wearing off. And I didn't coropperate I was punished, nothing bad, mostily hits, kicks, slaps, and sometime burn marks from hot pecies of metal. Abd let me tell you when your going insane, those beatings hurt like,your going through the pits of hell its self

All I wanted is to be at home, with wonwoo, cuddling with him watching a kdrama.


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