Part 13 The rescue 1/2

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A/N: I'm going to do all the #1's pov for this part.

3rd person pov

The second they were in the basement S.coups went along unlocking all of the locked cells, calling out the #2's as the #1's rush in to help their boyfriends.

S.coups pov.

I finally unlock Hannies cell, and the sight I see brings tears to my eyes, he is slumped over against the wall and wasn't moving. I race over to him scoping him into my arms, he was really light, and someone had cut his long blonde hair. I pull him close to feel his heart beat, It was faintly beating. "Hannie, baby please, wake up its me Seungcheol" I start shaking him, soon his eyes slowly stir, he looks straight into my eyes oh how I misses his soft brown eyes. "Am I dead? or is this just a dream" "no baby this is real, I'm here, we are going to get you out of here" at those words he starts sobbing while weakly hugging me. "Baby, I'm so sorry we broke the rules, this week has been nothing but pain I'm so sorry, I love you so much" I rub circles on his back.

  I the pull away to examine his body, I could see cuts and bruises everywhere, but what really pissed me off where the hickyes on his neck. "who did this to you Hannie" angry tears about to spill over. "this one named V, he did so many things, He hit me he kicked me... he raped me" the last line was a barley a whisper but I heard it, as if some human strength just kicked in, I snapped his handcuffs off in one try, and bent the metal bar holding his waist, I pick him up bridal style and carry him out of the cell.

Dk's pov

I race into what they told me was Joshua's cell, I had to cover my mouth to keep from screaming, there I saw Joshua lying on the floor, unconscious. I raced over to him untying his hand and pull him close to feel his heartbeat, it was faintly beating. I noticed a bucket of water near his head. Did these people really f**king drown him?!  He was soaked head to toe in water and was shivering. I lay Jisoo back down on the ground and start giving him mouth to mouth, after 5 more pumps he starts coughing up water.

  "Jisoo!!"I yell pulling the older into bigest hug of his life. "S-s-seokmin" he says his voice weak and hoarse, bit still angelic to me. "Shhhh it's ok I'm here now" I say rubbing circles on his back, trying to comfort my now sobbing boyfriend. I'm just glad he's not hurt.

He pulls away and looks at me, before pressing his lips onto mine, as we share a sweet kiss, one we have both been longing for. I soon pull away, as I scoop Jisoo up in my arms. "Now let's get home shall we"

Hosi pov

  I reace into Ji's cell to see his hands tied to a metal pole above his head, I grab a random knife on the table, not caring why there was a knife here, and cut the ropes holding him up. The second I cut him free he collapsed onto me, making me stumble backward, I pull him off of me to get a better look at him, he had cuts and bruises across his face and his arms, he pants slashed with cut marks. "Woozi, woozi!" I yell shaking the smaller boy, as he stirs he tries to swat my hands away from his shoulders.

  "please just leave me alone to die, you have tortured me enough just put me out of my misery already" he groans, making me start to tear up. "Ji its me hoshi, kwon soonyoung, 10:10 your boyfriend" I say shaking him more making him whip his eyes open and stares at me in shock "are you really here?!" He asked surprised. "I-I-I though you forgot about me."

I give him a warm smile amd caress his small cheek, "Of course Ji I would never forget you, I love you with all my heart" I try to hug him, but he pushes me away gently before my hands could wrap around his back. "Sorry, but my back REALLY hurts" he says staring at the ground. I constantly turning around and gasp at the site I see, he has over like a thousand slash marks on his back and shoulders, "Did they whip you or somethings" Then woozi turned around and wraps his arms around my waist silently crying into my chest, I carefully pick him up and set him over my shoulder "go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up Ji" I hear a faint "I love you" and smile as I walk out of this torture chamber over to Boo's cell.

A/n:  I'll post Wonwoo's and Jun's pov in the next chapter. Hope you liked it

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