Part 23 The sister hosts

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Jeonghan's pov

Soon Jennie finally got me to talk, and once me and jennie talked for awhile, we got to know each other really well. You can even say we became friends.

"So do you live alone?" She asks, I sigh "No I live with 12 other people one of them being my boyefriend" she gasp and looks at me shocked "I can't even handle my 1 roommate, how can you handle 12?!" I cant help but laugh at her "Well the thing is me and my boyfriend are the oldest, I'm the second oldest, and we basically deal with all there sh*t, so me,and him were officially nominated the parents of the household"

"I'm going to have to come over once and meet them. If thats all right with you guys" I smile warmly "Of course, but give us a heads up, so we can prepare the house, we are,normally pretty messy." After somemore timr of talking she stands up and looks around the kitchen pantry "Is ramen ok for dinner" I sigh and walk over to her, I take the ramen out of her hands setting it back into the cuppord, and stock the fridge for any ingredients.

I lay all the ingredients out on the table, taking out pots and pans, and other necessities. "Umm what are you doing?" Jennie asks peering over my shoulder. "Making something edibal, You can't live off of ramen" I say not looking up from cutting the vegetables. She stares at me dicing the veggies fast, and warns me not to cut my fingers off.

"Sorry I couldn't cook us dinner, I never learned, and my roomate Lisa usually does that, and she is out of town for a few days." She says sadly. I smilea at her, "Its ok, my friend mingyu taught me how to cook, and if you ever want to learn you can cone over and we will gladly teach you, but don't trust our makane line, they will probally almost burn down the house again" We both crack up.

Soon I finish and we did in.

"Mmh damn you cook way better than Lisa, I may have to just come over 1 time and have dinner" She compliments, digging into her 2 serving

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"Mmh damn you cook way better than Lisa, I may have to just come over 1 time and have dinner" She compliments, digging into her 2 serving. "Thanks and of course you cam the more tje merrier" A moment later Jennies phone started ringing. "Oh lisa I was wondering when your going to call" "Sorry I was busy, anyway what are you doing?" A higher, younger voice who I assume is Lisa asked.

"I got a friend over" Jennie beams proudly. "Wow you have friend other than us Black pink" Lisa laughed "I don't believe it you gotta show me this person" She sighs and walks over to me bringing me into the frame. "God damn you weren't kidding, and he's good-looking how did you get so lucky" Lisa Rants. "Hey shut up Lisa he is taken" "And gay" I add in. Lisa nods approvingly, "well me and our group of friends are Bi so you being gay isn't weird, but anyways what is you name."

"I am Yoon Jeonghan, but call me Jeonghan, and its nice to meet you" She gives me a cheery smile "Hi I'm
Lalisa Manoban, and I'm the makanes of our friends pleasure to meet you" After a while Lisa had to go so we hung up the car and got ready for bed.

Jennie showed me the guest room. but I hesitated to go in. " Is there something wrong" She asks me worriedly. "I can't sleep in a room by myself" I admit sadly, Ever since I was a baby I couldn't sleep in a room by myslef, the thought of falling asleep with no one with me freaks me out.

"Do you want to sleep in Lisa's bed toghingt since its in me and her share a room so that way you won't feel alone." She suggest. I nod and follow her to her bed room. Lisa bed was really pretty, but not over decorated and was neatly made.

 Lisa bed was really pretty, but not over decorated and was neatly made

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I nearly set all the pillows on the ground and climb in the bed. "Goodnight Jennie and thank you for helping me out today, and letting me stay here."

"Anything for a friend Jeonghan, I'll see you in the morning" She calls out sleepily.

Soon I fall into deep slumber.

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