Part 21 Burden

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Dk pov

  I wake up in the middle of the night to a empty bed, where is Jisoo?  I was tempted to go up and search fo him, Ugh stop worrying, he is probally just in the bathroom.

Soon our bedroom door creeks open slowly, cuasing me to sit up immediately. Jisoo is standing in the doorway soaked. "I'm sorry Seokmin did I wake you" He ask a bit of sadness and guilt in his voice. "No don't worry I was already up, but where were you and why are you soaking wet?" I ask stiting up more.

  "Ummm, I couldn't sleep so I went outside for some fresh air and went swimming." He lies. I sigh "really Jisoo your not they type to go swimming in all your clothes, what really happened" he looks away and mumbles "I fell into the pool" He whines softly.

Panic rose through my body "Wait what?! Are you ok, are you hurt anywhere?!" I ask hurriedly, checking him for injuries. "I'm fine" he whispers. "Why didn't you wake me up if you couldn't sleep, I could have sang you back to sleep, like I used to do" I say caressing his cheek.

  When Jisoo didn't look at me, just the floor I grab his chin making him look at me "Baby answer me" I say as I look him dead in the eyes. "You were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to be a even bigger b-b-burden to you"

After saying that Jisoo broke down crying into his hands. I just stare shocked at him, I pull him back to his feet and cup his cheeks in my hands "Whoever the f**k told you were a burden, is lying thorough there dang teeth, none of us think you are a burden, ecpisally me."

"Really?" He asks, I nod "I love you Hong Jisoo" Finally he smiles, "And I love you Lee Seokmin" I then press our lips togheter, he takes no time to kiss back. I wrap my hands around his wait pulling him closer and he wraps his hands around my neck. He leans forward and deepens the kiss, we then make our way to the bed and I fall down on top of him never breaking the kiss.

Our make out session goes on for sometime until I pull away due to the lack of air, I look down at my perfect boyfriend, His strawberry pink hair, his shining blue/green eyes, and his gorgeous smile. "Your really pretty"  I say, making him blush.

Soon we're about to fall asleep when he taps my shoulder, "Yesss'" I say smiling. "Can you sing for me?" He says shyly. I smile wildly and jump out of bed and start singing "Nice" in a medium loud voice, while adding in some crazy dance moves.

"No no no stop that not what I ment" Jisoo said facepalming. "I ment something soft and to help me fall asleep." I laugh and get back into bed with him "Your wish is my command my prince" I say as I start softly singing "Don't wanna cry" till I here soft snores escaping his lips.

We then fall asleep in each others arms

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