Part 2 Discovering

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S.coups pov

It had been over 2 hours were are the #2's , I was started to get worried, I was in the room me and jeonghan sharred, pacing back in forth, when I felt like I was going to make permanent foot steps in the floor, I walked out of the room over to Meanies room, and opend it to see wonwoo on the bed reading a book.

  But the reason I went to wonwoo is that he is the calmest one in a realtaionship "Hey do you have any idea where the #2's are I say leaning on the door frame trying to be as calm as possible, "No, and they said they would be out late, and told us not to wait up for them, so stop worrying" wonwoo says never looking up from his book.

   I sighed and walked out of the room down to the kitchen to find the rest of the #1's. I see jun, dk, and hoshi looking out of the window looking for there lovers. I could tell they were just as about as worried as I was.

Vernon and dino were playing video games, them being the two makanes and dino being single, they aren't as worried us us older ones.

I go to the kitchen and pour my self a glass of water, just then I feel two hand around my wait, but I know they weren't jeonghans. I look behined me to see Hoshi, tears streaming down his fluffy cheeks. I pull him into a tight hug as he sobs into my chest.

"Where are they, I'm scarred" he says in between cries, I pull away a little bit to wipe his tears away with my hand. Hoshi is the second most emotional next to seungkwan. "I know I'm worried too but just give them time" I say handing him my water to drink so he will calm down. I call the others in to watch tv while we wait.

  After 1 hour, I lost it. "OK THATS IT, I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" I scream sprinting to my room, I throw on the first pair of jacket and shoes I see (see photo above), I Sprint down the stairs skipping the last 4 hitting the for with a thud I, grab my phone, and a flashlight.

  I am almost out the door when I hear Vernon yell, "where the HECK are you going" I turn to see them all shook. "I'm going to go find the #2's, you can stay or come with me" wonwoo sighs "come on guys lets go find them" he says as everyone else runs to there rooms to go get change.

We arrive at the coffe shop as I race to the barista lady, "hello sir how may I help" she says giving me a warm smile. "Have you seen a groups in here a while ago, one with long bloned hair and in a grey sweatshirt" "And they bought alot of food" Dk adds in causing me to nod frantically.

"I think saw him and a group of his friends in here around 5 hours ago, why do you ask" she said giving us a curious look. "They are our boyfriends and we need to find them." wonwoo adds nonchalantly "oh well I don't know what happend after they left except that they turned right after they left" she say making us nod in understandement.

"Hannie!!!!" I yell as I'm walking down the street, we have been searching the streets for 15 minutes and so far nothing. As we are resting infront of a brick wall "Umm guys there is one point we haven't checked yet" Jun says pointing to the park alleyway. "No they wouldn't, they wouldn't, they know the rules" I say looking down the really long alleyway. "True but haohao said they were going to go the fastest way possible and this is it" jun says causing the rest of them nod.

  As we are scanning around the long alleyway when dino calls out to us "Umm guys you may want to see this" causing us all the sprint to him. I see spilled cups of coffee, I pick up a cup and read the name "the8" jun runs over and grabs the cup. I look at the others it had the other 2nd's names handing them to the 1st's, I freeze when I pick up jeonghans, Tears tart to stream down my eyes, I fall to my knees sobbing my eyes out.

Something had to have to the boys

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