Part 6 Trapped 4/7

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The8's pov

I woke up feeling trapped. Then when I opened my eyes fully I realize I am trapped, trapped in a FLIPPING GLASS BOX!!!

A/N here is what the box looks like, but wider

I started banning on the glass hoping to shater it, but it was no use, it was like titanium glass that wouldn't break no matter how hard I would hit it

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I started banning on the glass hoping to shater it, but it was no use, it was like titanium glass that wouldn't break no matter how hard I would hit it.

Just then a man walked in and smirked at me. "I see you have waken up" I start to pound on the glass harder this time. "Who are you, and what do you want" I yell making sure he heard me. He laughed at me pounding on the glass in peer anger. "Awe are you mad that your little boyfriend can't come and save you" he sneered.

"How do you know that I have a boyfriend?!" I scream smacking the glass angirly. "Oh no reason but your little ring you wear says it all." He smirked.

I looked down at my left ring finger to see the couples ring, that jun had got for me to only realize IT'S NOT THERE!! "What did you do to my ring you bastard!!!"

"Ohh this ring" he says pulling my promise ring out of his back pocket.

"I love you -Junhui, wow so cheesy and corny

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"I love you -Junhui, wow so cheesy and corny. Hey do you smell popcorn?!" he taunted, making me glare at him.

"You have no idea how important that ring is to me, so give it the hell back! And why not just let me out of this stupid box overall" I scream pounding on this stupid glass for the 3rd time. "Hmm how about no, and stop pounding on the glass, its not going to break with your weak little fist, you just wasting your energy. And your going to need it."

He walks over to a desk and picks up a remote as he presses certain buttons. Just then smoke came out of a little tube in the corner of the box, I panic as I start to kick the glass thinking the gas is poisonous "Are you really going to kill me with poisonous gas" "Oh dont wory this gas isn't poisonous but it will knock you out sending you to deep sleep"

t wory you'll wake up in a coulple of days, hopefully, depends on how much gass I use" All i can do is glare at him. "hmm what setting should we put this at? How about level 5?" he say turing the nob to the highest setting, he walks laughing like a maniac leaving me still in a gas filling death trap.

Right as he was about to walk out he stopped in the door way "Also you got about 5 minutes of fresh air before that gas kicks into you system, so use them wisely" he says not even to turning to face me, but you can basically hear the smirk in his voice.

I can now defently feel the gas kicking in, my legs started to feel weak as my head starts to spin. I try to pound on the glass hoping to make a final attempt of escaping, but due to the lack of energy it is more like weak taps.

As I fall to the ground I say my last words before my eyelides close sending me into deep sleep "Wen Junhui I love you"

As my eyes closed I heard crazy lughing through the glass. But it wasn't the guy from earlier's laugh, I reconized this persons laugh.

It was Mingyu

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