Part 17 Meeting Soonhoon

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Jeonghan's pov

As we enter into Soonhoons room we are shocked to see Woozi with cuts and bruises on his arms. He had wire's strapped to his arms and a breathing mask covering his face. He wassleeping peacfully, and Hoshi was sleeping next to woozi, while gripping his hand tigthly. Boo pulled out his phone and started taking photos.

"What, this can be used as perfect blackmail photos of Hoshi or Woozi" He says trying to slink away to the back of the room when Woozi actually spoke. "Don't even try it Kid, I will not hesitate to beat your a$$ up with a guitar" We all stare in shock at woozi.

"How long have you been awake" Vernon asked as Boo hids behined him. "The second you loudmouths walked in, and Boo you better delete those, or you will die"

Soonyoung finally woke up after a second, and almost started crying when he saw woozi was awake and threw the arms around the smaller boy, Woozi pushed the older, but smiling through his oxygen mask,"My back still hurts" I look past the group approaching his bed. "May I see?" He nods.

With help of me and soonyoung we were able to help woozi sit up and what I saw made my heart crumble to the ground. He had a million cuts and whip mark on his back and shoulder some healed and some were fresh and red. I suddenly cupped the boys cheeks, and strarted giving him Kisses on his face (but not the lips ofc).

Then the other guys gave Woozi kisses, making him cringe and death glare us. Soon we stopped babying him and let him lie back down. "How long are you going to be in here?" Woozi looks at Soonyoung, "Yeah how long will I be in hear" Woozi asks looking at Soonyoung.

We all waited for him to answer, he looks back at us all before sighing. "The doctor said it depended on how long it would take him to recover, the longest amout of time would probally be 1 month" Woozi immedlty hits the side of the hospital bed. "There is no way in hell I'm staying in this crappy hell hole" "It's better than the base-" Boo starts before Hosho stands up and slaps him in the face. "BOO SEUNGKWAN! WHY IN THE LIVING HELL WOULD YOU MENTION THAT YOU IDIOT?!"

Everyone was shocked by Hoshi outburst, He is normally a nice calm guy, but when he is mad its scary ecpessily when it comes to woozi. So after then when he snapped we all stepped back seeing he was pissed, He was still staring his cold dark eyes into Boo's soul when woozi spoke up.

"Babe it's ok, but you need to calm down, before you explode"he says calmly holding his hand out for soonyoung. Soonyoung takes one look at Woozi's soft smile still visable throigh the mask, and goes back over to Woozi, but still secretly giving Boo a glare.

We were pulled out of the awkward silence by Seuncheol's phone blowing up with loud "PINGS" Seuncheol pulled out his phone he reads over all the the text's and then sighed in annoyance. "Guys I think we should head out, Wonwoo just texted me and he said he better hurry up or he is going to burn all our clothes" Just then The8 runs out of the room dragging Jun with him, "No-No-No, we have to many expansive clothes lets move out people!" We all laugh as they yell goodbye to Soonhoon, and they said will be in the car.

We say goodbye to Soonhoon, and promised to bring them food, We then get food for us all, and wonwoo acted like he hasn't eaten in years, but if you think about it most of the #2's haven't eaten in about a week. So we also ate like there was no tommorow.

Soon visiting hours were over and we said goodbye to the couple, even though Wonwoo begged us not to leave him alone because Mingyu showed no sings of tiredness.

Finally we excited the Hospital, and then drove home.

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