Part 24 Breakfast

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Jeonghan's pov

  I wook up around 6:45, and since ther was no intent to go back to sleep. I walked into the kitchen. I knew Seuncheol was going to be here at 7:30 am, So that would give me enough time to make us all breakfast. I start radding the pantry for more ingredient and start cooking.

  Sooner or later Jennie stumbles out of the bedroom. "Wow you must really like cooking, I may just end up hiring you as my personal chef" I roll my eyes at her "Or like I said I can teach you to cook." "Thats boring" She whines. I scoff at her and finish cooking.

Right as I set the food up, I hear a knock on the door, So Jennie gets up and answers it, not a moment later, I'm tackled into a hug. It was Seuncheol. "Omg Hannie thank god your ok" He sobs onto my shoulder. I laugh and hig him tighter. "Sorry about getting lost" I whisper.

"Ahem, Sorry to intrupet this cutr little moment here, But I never fully introduced my self, My name is Kim Jennie nice to meet you." Jennie annoucnces bowing "I'm Choi  Seuncheol, but call me S.coups" He says pulling Jennie into a hug, I wasn't surprised at this action Seuncheol seems like a stern and intimidating man, but he is a real softie sometimes he almost as inmature as dino.

"I made breakfast so sit your buts down, and dig in.

Soon after breakfast, Seuncheol announced it was time to go, I wrote dowm my number and gave it to Jennie "Hit me up anytime you want to talk, or hangout" She nods, and I give her a huge hug

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Soon after breakfast, Seuncheol announced it was time to go, I wrote dowm my number and gave it to Jennie "Hit me up anytime you want to talk, or hangout" She nods, and I give her a huge hug. Me and Seuncheol say thank you once again and head out the door hand in hand.

Once were done walking down the steps, Seuncheol picks me up by my thighs and spins me in circles, I wrap my legs around his waits and my hands around his neck. "I love you hannie" He says right before pressing his lips against mine.

Jennie then opens het window pokes her head out and yells "GOD DAMN IT, NOT INFRONT OF MY HOUSE! Move the left more if you're gonna start making out" Without breaking the kiss Seuncheol moves over to the left so we are out of view from her window. "See thats better enjoy youselve kids, and use protection!" We flash her a thumbs up sign and she laughs and closes the window.

Soon we pull away and make our way to the car. "So are you going to tell me what happend or..." Seuncheol asks, still paying attention to the road. "Not right now, maybe some other time" He nods and places his hand over mine.

As we enter are neighborhood Seuncheol speaks again "I told the boys you spent the night with a old friend of yours so they wouldn't worry" I sigh "Good I'm not in the mood to be bombarded with questions"

We enter the house and are attacked by the makane line, they are all talking at the same time. "HEY! I cant understand a word your saying, Dino you say it" Dino steps forward and takes a deep breath "We got a call from the hospital and they said Mingyu is getting discharged today, and Woozi's getting discharged tomorrow morning" We all started really excited, we were relly close to having all of seventeen back.

Soon the clock struck 12:00 pm Me, Seuncheol, and Seoksoo filled into the van driving to the hospital to go pick up the Meanie couple.

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