Chapter 1 - Nightmare

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Slash came home from the studio that day fairly late, he had set his guitar down in the entryway, and kicked off his converse.

Honestly, he couldn't wait to see Perla, she was probably sitting and relaxing after putting the kids down for bed like normal, he figured.

But as he went upstairs, the place seemed empty.

Perla was gone, no trace of her in the kitchen, or anywhere on the second floor of their massive house.

Instead, a milky white envelope with the word 'Slash' written on it was sitting on the counter, and he had a bad feeling in his gut.

He scrambled to open it, jamming a finger in it to break the paper seal. Yep, this was definitely bad.

When he pulled out the note inside, something shiny fell out too. Her wedding band!

He shook the envelope gently since it still felt heavy, and suddenly he saw Perla's engagement ring fall to the counter with a clink.

A million thoughts raced through his mind in a split second as he rushed to unfold the paper note, panic rising up in him.

The note inside said that she just needed time to think about their marriage.

There was no further explanation, and Slash wanted answers.

He picked up his cell phone, flipped it open, dialed her number and immediately cut to the chase as soon as she picked up.

"Perla, what the hell is going on? Where are you? Why did you leave your rings on our counter?" he hissed in low and quiet voice so as to not wake London and Cash.

"Oh, you got my note?" Perla sounded so unbothered, he could practically picture her sitting boredly, pushing her cuticles back with a credit card.

"Yes! What do you need think about? What is there to think about? I love you ok? Tell me what the fuck is going on!"

"You're not showing me enough affection, I'm not ready for the responsibility of kids and I need to think about whether we should get a divorce."

"Perla, I love you and I show you that all the time! Just because we had a fight yesterday doesn't mean we can't get through it! We need to talk, just come home ok?" He pleaded, all of the confrontational fight drained out of him as he slumped to the ground, sitting on the floor with his back against the kitchen wall.

"I'm not coming home, I'm in Hawaii."

Slash wracked his brain to figure out what the hell she could possibly be doing there.

Suddenly a man's voice rang through the phone, calling out 'baby!' and with that, Perla hung up the phone. The dial tone rang heavy in his ear as he set down his phone roughly, putting his face in his hands.

What could he have possibly done to make Perla hate him and leave to goddamn Hawaii without him?

Why was there a man's voice on the phone?

Why was he calling her baby?

He shoved the rings back into the cream colored envelope aggressively, and shoved the whole thing away in their junk drawer. He then balled up the note that she'd written, focusing every bit of his rage and sorrow into crushing the living shit out of it, and threw it in the trash.

The guitarist paced around the kitchen, tears smarting in his eyes as he frantically tried to puzzle through a way that he could win Perla back.

After all, he was still in love with her, no matter what she was up to, and he cared immensely for her.

Finally he slumped down on the couch, turned on the TV and mindlessly began watching the news, waiting for the tears to go away and his face to get less puffy.

Suddenly he heard the tiny sound of faint footsteps coming from the stairwell.

London appeared, looking upset.

"London, what's wrong?"

The 3 year old child sniffled. "I had a bad dweam daddy. I sit on couch?"

"Sure, sure. Up you go!"

The guitarist pushed all thoughts of his wife out of his mind, picking up his son and placing the child on his lap.

"Now, do you want to tell daddy what your dream was about?"

London nodded, putting down his bunny stuffed animal next to Slash.

"There was a very big sharky, and he was gonna eat me!"

Slash couldn't help but crack a smile, he wished his problems were that simple.

Calmly, he assured his son that nothing would eat him and walked the toddler back up to his room.

"Would you like me to read you a story?" Slash asked, looking through the selection of children's books littered about the floor.

"No story, I come sleep in daddy's big bed." London requested.

"Okay little man."

Slash scooped him up, glad that he wouldn't have to be completely alone tonight. Now he could just focus on his kids, and he didn't have to worry about Perla in the slightest.

"Good night London." He left a kiss on London's forehead.

As much as he tried to sleep he couldn't. Once he heard London's breaths even out, Slash let the tears fall freely from his eyes onto his pillow. Perla wanted to divorce him, did 4 years of marriage mean nothing to her?

This was a huge punch in the stomach.

"Fuck everything." He cursed softly, trying one last time to get some sleep.


New story, first chapter, hope you guys loved it! Promise the rest of it won't be this sad, but it starts off a little bad until good things start happening!

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