Chapter 36 - Snakes

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The four of them slowly made their way down the paved path that let to "The LAIR". It was the building where all of the snakes, turtles and lizards were.

Slash was already walking ahead, holding Cash on his hip.

Jen was behind him, pushing the stroller, even though Cash was being held and London preferred to walk by himself alongside her.

She felt a gentle tug on her they approached the reptile building."Yes London?"

"Do you um, maybe think they have any dinosaurs hidden in there?"

She tried to muffle her laugh because London unfortunately, looked very serious. "No I don't think they have any dinosaurs, but they have lots of other reptiles and the turtles you wanted to see."

"Oh okay. I'm still excited for turtles." He had a contented smile on his face and held onto her shirt as they continued toward the building. Slash had already disappeared inside, and it made Jen so happy to see him so passionate and geeky about his snakes.

She finally managed to catch up with the guitarist and a sleepy Cash a few minutes later. Slash gently placed the two year old into the stroller, buckling him up and letting him close his eyes.

The brunette noticed that Slash's face was completely lit up. "Did someone get to see the snakes already?" She teased him as they headed over to the turtle exhibit.

"Yes, they had an African Green Mamba and it was really cool, I wanted to hold it! And they also had-" Jen listened to him go on and on about his snakes, he was so enthusiastic about them and it was so cute to see.

Meanwhile, London was a couple feet away, looking at the tortoises, his nose pressed against the glass enclosure, just gazing.

"Baby you are so cute when you talk about your snakes." She pulled Slash in for a hug, leaning on his shoulder.

"I just really love them. I used to keep some as pets, I had about 80 of them and it was too much work to keep them all fed and everything. I take very good care of them, most of them had separate rooms and I custom built all the cages. London and Cash's rooms, plus my bathroom and the entirety of the downstairs use to be full of snake enclosures when I was still single before I had a wife or kids. I also had to get rid of them when I had kids you know? I wouldn't want a gigantic python around either of the little boys, snakes don't like to be bothered and I know the boys would bother it. I've had some pretty docile snakes, but I just want to be careful. Maybe when the munchkins are older I will get another snake. My favorite are the Burmese Pythons, they have always been good to me and are pretty tame."

Jen just let him keep talking, his eyes were completely lit up. She swore one day she would let him get one of his huge python snakes, maybe after the boys were older and as long as he only kept it in the basement. Wait, did this man say he use to keep up to 80 snakes? Her mouth dropped open. That was practically a zoo! That was more snakes than the actual Los Angeles zoo had!

London was slowly shuffling over to the stroller, hopping in. "I'm tired. Turtles were very fun though." He announced.

"I'm glad you had fun seeing the turtles." Jen ruffled his hair.

Slash leaned over to her. "Let's head home, the boys are sleepy and its already four. Plus I want to take you out tonight."

Jen gently pushed the stroller back out to the car. She was tired too, this had already been a wonderful day and she couldn't wait to go out to dinner with him. It was their first official date.

"Who do you have lined up to watch the boys then?"

"No one yet, I was going to call Izzy."

They gently unloaded the boys into the car, trying to keep them awake so that they would be able to fall asleep early tonight.

"Izzy was your rhythm guitarist right?"

Slash nodded, "if not that's okay, I'll figure something out. Usually Steven is down to help."

"Well, thank you for organizing all this Slash, you're the sweetest. I love you!" She leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder while he drove.

Several hours later, Slash had put the kids to bed early, and luckily they were too worn out to protest. Izzy was on his way over, and Jen was in Slash's master bathroom getting ready.

She'd poked around and found a straightener under the bathroom counter. It must be Perla's that she'd left here. Jen straightened her long brown hair, deciding to just put on mascara and a little bit of mauvey-pink lipstick. Slash still hadn't told her where they were going and she was getting nervous for the surprise!

After finishing her hair and makeup she stepped into her black dress. It had tank top straps and a low neckline, with a flare skirt that ended just above her knees. She put on her heels, they were black and simple, nothing too flashy.

She heard the doorbell ring downstairs. Izzy must be here, she should probably go down to meet him. She carefully came down to the entry way, seeing someone in the doorway who she assumed was Izzy.

"You must be Jen. Slash won't shut the fuck up about you." The dark brunette guitarist who Jen assumed was Izzy welcomed her with a warm smile.

Slash playfully smacked him on the shoulder, giving him a brief dirty look. "Fucker. At least I can actually get girls, you hermit!"

"Hey! It's a nice and peaceful life over here, without kids and by myself! Bet you wish you weren't tied down sometimes!"

Jen giggled at their banter, it was clear they'd known each other forever. Each jab was followed by a laugh.

The dark brunette man was wearing a t shirt and some jeans with a paper boy cap, and he took a step forward to shake her hand. "I'm Izzy, nice to meet you, I'm Slash's bandmate from a while back."

"Nice to meet you." Jen smiled and Slash put his arm around her.

"We're gonna head out to dinner. Feel free to hang out in the guitar room and help yourself to anything in the fridge."

"Don't mind if I do, you know your guitar collection is my favorite part of your house!" Izzy chuckled.

"And don't teach the kids any bad words if they wake up and you see them ok?"

"Okay fine. I'll stop adding to their vocabulary." Izzy rolled his eyes, stepping into the guitar studio. "Have fun kids!"

Slash opened the car door for her and she slid into the passenger seat. "Baby are you going to tell me where we are going yet?"

"Just to a restaurant." A little smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "By the way you look absolutely beautiful."

Aw. Jen felt herself blush. "Thank you Slash. You don't look too bad yourself."

The guitarist was wearing a tux, and Jen could not believe how amazing he looked.


Next chapter will be their date. I hope y'all are excited about this book still. I am, but its definitely coming to a close soon. Thank you everyone for reading, we are almost at 8K and I literally don't know how that happened.

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