Chapter 9 - Guns N' Roses

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"How was your practicing?" Jen asked as nonchalantly as she could.

"It was good. I started working on a new song for Velvet Revolver. " 

"I'm glad." She tossed off with a smile, trying to stay silent but she couldn't help her question from tumbling out.

"Slash is there chance you'd tell me more about what it's like to be a rock star?"

"Hmmm maybe at the next commercial break." Slash laughed as the TV changed back to Food Network, and now Guy Fieri was making burgers.

She reached over and grabbed the remote, turning the screen off and then turning back to the guitarist with a smug smile. "Please tell me about it, I'm so curious and I just want to know more about you."

Hm that didn't really come out the way she envisioned.

"You want to know more about me huh?" He swept his curls back into a low ponytail. Jen was easy to talk to,  he felt like he could tell her almost anything. Especially since she didn't seem like a crazed fan, he decided maybe he could tell her a few stories.

She nodded. "I'm watching your sons for gods sake. Figure I should know something about you."

"That's fair. Basically I started out loving guitar at a super young age, and then I eventually moved to LA and made it huge in a band called Guns N Roses."

He paused.

"And then Guns ended badly, I refuse to talk about it to anyone, don't take it personally. Then Duff (one of my old bandmates from Guns) and I started Velvet Revolver which I have had fun with. We just finished our first tour last year and are working on a new album."

The brunette noticed that as soon as she got him talking about music, his eyes lit up, and she could see his passion for performing.

"So what is being on tour like?"

"It's quite fun, very tiring though. I love being on stage. It's a crazy rush of adrenaline..."

Slash kept talking, and Jen soaked up the information. Listening to Slash talk was addicting. His eyes got all wistful when he talked about his time on the road as a young musician.

"So what were the members of Guns N' Roses like?"

"They were... interesting. We were all just broke musicians, at the beginning we did some crazy shit to survive."

"Yeah, I looked up Guns N Roses a while ago. I noticed you all looked like stereotypical rock stars."

"Oh, have you listened to any of our music?"

Jen shook her head. "No. Last night I googled your band just to see what kind of music you did."

Slash smirked. Before he could open his mouth with a sassy comment, Jen cut him off.

"I just wondered! You had this whole life as a performer! You can't deny how interesting it is."

Shit, now she was blushing. That wasn't in the plans.

Slash saw her face getting redder and thought that it was adorable.

A silence settled over them but it wasn't awkward. Instead it was comfortable.

"You know, I really like that you're not a crazy fan or anything. I like that you are interested in what I do but you're not obsessed. It's refreshing."

"I'm glad. I just like your perspective on things. Having a rock star life sounds so cool to someone like me whose just doing medicine and following the beaten path."

"Medicine is a great career, very noble of you to pick it. What else should I know about you?"

"I'm not sure. Compared to you Slash, I'm really not that interesting."

"Come on, I'm sure you can find something. I never graduated high school, tell me what college is like?" Slash turned to face her more, looking into her green eyes.

"But you skipped out on college to tour the world! I can't imagine anything cooler!"

"Jen I want to learn about you, tell me what you do." He placed his hand on her thigh for a second before moving it back to his lap.

Her heart kind of melted.

"I guess I just study. College is tough. I've had a good amount of fun. The friends I've made are great. Coursework is a little hard to handle sometimes! I've had to take anatomy and some psych classes which are hard." She laughed.

"I would definitely not have been up for that at your age. Definitely more into being on tour. Tour was interesting..."

Jen grinned as he got on another tangent telling her about the times when Axl (the singer) would trash hotel rooms, how he and Steven made it to LA, how Duff would be drunk all the time, and how Izzy use to deal heroin out of their driveway at the hell house before they got a record deal.

God Slash was so intriguing. She could listen to him talk all day.

When he finally hit a pause, she had a question that she'd just been dying to ask.

"How old are you?"

"Why does it matter?" The rock star countered with a smooth smile.

"I guess it doesn't really matter. I'm just curious" Her voice was hushed.

Slash had such a deep effect on her, how did that even happen?

"You're curious about everything aren't you? Anything else you want to know?" He scooted closer to her on the couch, not even thinking about how wrong this could possibly end up.

Jen was half laying down, propped up on the arm of the couch. That position made it easy for Slash to move over smoothly and get closer.

Jen gulped a little. "Just one thing."

"Hm. What is it you want to know?"

His voice was sexy, deep and husky. He seemed fully confident and in control. God damn, Jen was struggling not to get lost in the feeling of having him so close to her.

"Would you play guitar for me sometime?"

"Maybe." Slash said with a smirk. His expression changed from playful to serious as the smirk vanished.

His eyes flickered to her lips, just for a second as he moved closer, now a few inches away from her face.

Jen gazed up into his brown eyes, her heart beating fast, half hoping he'd kiss her and half hoping he wouldn't.


Gonna end that chapter there. I hope that wasn't like too weird. I hope you guys liked it?

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