Chapter 2 - Chaos

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Slash woke up early the next morning, despite how late he'd been up the night before.

He went to roll over and say good morning to Perla, but instead of his lovely wife, he saw London on the other side of the bed, and the heartbreaking events of last night flooded back.

He shook it off, thinking maybe he just needed some coffee. Yeah, coffee sounds good.

One freshly brewed cup later, he heard noise coming from the baby monitor. Cash must be awake.

He abandoned the coffee on the counter to go get Cash out of his crib upstairs, placing the younger boy on his hip.

"Good morning, Cash." Instantly, Slash's mood lifted when he saw the tiny human nuzzling into his shoulder.

The guitarist made a pit stop at the master bedroom, and helped London down the stairs to the kitchen. He held his older sons hand gently to keep him stable, and balanced the younger one on his hip.

He fed them breakfast, before rushing to finish his coffee before it got cold. He got in a few sips of the caffeine before hearing his ringtone.

Slash brushed his hair into a ponytail quickly, hurrying to answer his Nokia phone on the other side of the kitchen.


"Hey man it's Duff, just letting you know you've got to come into the studio today around two to record the guitar for Let it Roll."


Suddenly he realized, what was he going to do with the kids?

He heard the unmistakable wail of Cash, and hurried to comfort him, giving London a dirty look for hitting his younger brother. He was almost stressed to the limit and it was only 11am.

"Hey Duff, um, I need someone to watch the kids. Who should I call?"

"Oh where's Perla?"

Slash set the now quiet Cash down away from London and left to the other room, whispering into the phone so they wouldn't hear.

"She flew her ass to Hawaii with another guy and left her rings on the counter yesterday, I don't know what the fuck to do."

"Hey, you're going to get through this ok? If things don't work out you have friends to be there for you."

Slash nodded. "Thanks."

"And you're close with Steven still, maybe ask him to watch the kids? I'm sure he'd absolutely love it!"

"That's a good idea Duff." He took a deep breath, the chaos would be over soon.

"I'll call him and see if he would be willing, I'm sure he would. I'll also get Izzy to come too to keep him in line." Duff was literally the best.

Slash chuckled. "Thank you Duff, I owe you one!"

He hung up the phone and then checked on his sons.

Cash was sitting on the carpet, a truck in his hand, and he made adorable vroom vroom noises as he drove it in circles.

London was curled up on the couch, his large brown eyes fixated on the TV and the bright colors on the screen.

Suddenly, Slash remembered he still hadn't finished his god damn coffee!

It was already cold. He microwaved it, and finally began to sip, when Cash asked a question that made him choke on his drink.

"Where Mommy?"

Slash did some quick thinking. "Mommy is on vacation in Hawaii."

Cash nodded, sticking one thumb in his mouth, and then continuing to play cars with his other hand.

Slash sighed. He needed a more permanent babysitter, he couldn't just call on his old bandmates whenever he needed help, and he had no idea how long Perla was going to be gone for.

But for now, Steven and Izzy would have to do.

He started making himself some toast, just as his phone rang again.


"Heyyyy it's Steven and me and Izzy are SO excited to watch Cash and London today!! Duff gave us a call!"

Oh dear god. He wasn't convinced that those two knew what they were doing, but he was fresh out of options.

"Thank you Steven, I'm so happy you and Izzy could do it on such short notice."

"No problem man! You know I love kids, never stopped loving being a kid myself! We're gonna have so much fun!"

Slash finally cracked a smile. "Thank you, can you come at 1:30 so I can let you know what kinds of foods they eat and what they like to play?"

"Of course!"

Slash finally sat down and ate his toast at the kitchen table.

After lunchtime he put them down for an afternoon nap, hoping that they'd both be sleeping for the next couple of hours. He glanced at the clock, 1:25.

He made himself a sandwich, packed in a plastic baggie and grabbed his guitar.

The doorbell rang, and Slash answered, seeing his two old bandmates.

He invited them in and greeted them both with hugs, gestured for them to sit down in the living room.

"I just set them down for a nap. They will be up in probably an hour or so, so relax until they wake up."

"Got it." Steven looked very serious and Izzy chuckled at him.

"Cash likes to play cars and London likes to play dinosaurs, they are pretty easy, they rarely cry."

"Don't worry man, we've got it." Izzy patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Now go play some kick ass guitar ok?"

Slash nodded. "Alright call me if you have any questions!"

Slash grabbed his lunch and guitar, attempting not to think about Perla and how much he missed her on his drive to the studio.


How do we like daddy slash?? I'm loving writing this and I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know what you think!

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