Chapter 8 - Secret World

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Jen set her backpack down after stepping into her apartment. She was so tired.

Luckily it was Friday. She was a bit tired after watching two toddlers a few days this past week.

Kate came into the apartment and spotted Jen on the couch. "I'm going out tonight, see you tomorrow girlie!"

"Bye. Have fun." Jen smiled and then turned back to the TV as Kate disappeared into the bathroom to go get ready.

She had no idea how people went out on Friday nights, she was going to sit down with a glass of wine and do some Slash online stalking while sitting on the couch under blankets. Or, maybe she'd have several glasses of wine. Who knew?

She opened up her chunky laptop and pulled up google, typing in Slash, guitarist.

The page took a while to load but once it did, Jen was blown away.

Holy FUCK.

It was like she'd discovered the entrance to the secret garden, or something. The feeling of seeing young Slash, seeing that he was a part of Guns N' Roses and discovering just how talented he truly was, it was all so cool.

Now she had to face the fact that she was definitely falling. How did she end up watching his kids? And how was he so humble and kind?

She clicked on an image of him and a redhead on stage under lights. God he looked so sexy on stage, she had to stop looking or she was going to blush.

Jen shook her head and took a sip of her Zinfandel.

She briefly wondered if he would ever play guitar for her. This whole rock star world that he lived in existed when she was very young, and it seemed cloaked in mystery. She wanted to know more.

Maybe it was time to listen to some Guns N' Roses and see what they were about. From what she'd seen on google it sounded like their music was going to reflect their bad boy, dirty rock persona.

As Jen went to open iTunes and listen to the previews of their songs, her phone started to ring.

She reached over and flipped it open. A call from Slash!

Jen took another sip of wine. "Hello?"

"Hey Jen!"

"Hi Slash, what's up?"

"Just wondering if you could watch Cash and London tomorrow morning so I can practice?"

"Of course. Just not too early" she giggled.

"Trust me I don't wake up that early either. How about ten?"

"That sounds fine. I'll be there." Jen treasured the sound of his deep voice coming through the phone, it was so relaxing listening to him talk.

"Thank you Jen! I'll be making pancakes too if you want breakfast!"

"No problem! Pancakes sound great, Thank you Slash." She hung up the phone.

Gosh, if she was going to spend Saturday there (not that she was complaining) she needed do some homework now.

The next morning, she made sure to look somewhat put together. Black jeans and a t shirt with a little bit of makeup.

As soon as she pulled up to the house and parked in the driveway, Slash strolled downstairs to let her inside.

He opened the door. "Hey Jen!"

"Hey Slash."

"Come on in! The boys are upstairs and I am making blueberry pancakes."

"That sounds great!" The brunette realized that she hadn't eaten yet and that she probably should.

She followed the guitarist up the stairs and sat down at the table.

"HI J-SHMPF" Cash was super excited to see her again, but unfortunately his mouth was stuffed with pancakes and he was making a serious mess.

"Oh gosh. Cash I think you need a little help." She chuckled and then sat down next to the little boy, helping him eat the soft food.

London was doing a much better job, Slash had already cut his pancakes into pieces and he was able to eat them much cleaner than Cash.

Slash looked over fondly at Jen feeding his son, realizing they were just like a little family.

Well, kind of.

Perla and that whole thing was still fucking him over.

After he finished cooking and cleaning up the kitchen, he left Jen with the boys and hurried downstairs to his studio.

Duff had given him the chords and a skeleton idea of a riff for a new Velvet Revolver tune that he and Scott (their singer) had come up with yesterday, and he figured he could add to it.

He plugged in his amp and selected his Les Paul of choice, again hoping to drown himself in the music and forget about the girl upstairs who was more of a mother and more mature than Perla had ever been.

Stop it Slash. She's like 20.

No matter what he did, when Jen came around he always felt a little strange,  younger even. But instead of coming to terms with it, like he knew he should, he chose to play guitar and refused to admit what was happening.

After several hours of playing dinosaurs with London and reading Thomas the Tank Engine to Cash, the brunette girl finally has succeeded in tiring the boys out and putting them down for a nap.

She flopped onto his couch, curling up under a gray blanket and then turning on the TV. Ugh, the news. The news was the worst.

Jen flipped to the food channel. Yum, some lady was making lemon cake! This was much better.

Suddenly a deep voice and a chuckle came from behind her. "What are you watching?"

Slash. Jen nearly had a heart attack. First of all, he'd startled her, and second of all, his voice had no right to sound that deep and husky.

She finally found her voice. "Food Network. Want to watch while the boys are asleep?"

"Sure." Slash sat down on the other edge of the couch as the TV cut to a commercial. 


While writing this I literally googled "did laptops exist in 2005" and that made me feel young. That's a win. I also love the food channel and HGTV because I am literally a 60 year old woman. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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