Chapter 6 - First Day

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Slash slept better than he had in months that night, it must have been the peace  of mind that he finally had someone to watch the kids.

When he woke up in the morning, he checked his phone, seeing nothing from Perla. Ugh, when was she coming home? He missed her so much, and couldn't figure out where he'd gone wrong.

Cash and London weren't awake yet, thank god, and he quickly made coffee for himself, then some breakfast.

He knew he had to go into the studio again today at 12pm. Duff had let him know last night, and he'd quickly confirmed with Jen that she could watch the boys.

Loud cries came from the baby monitor.

"Oh shit." Slash abandoned his breakfast and went upstairs to check on Cash.

The boy stopped crying immediately as he saw the guitarist and then stood up in his crib happily.

"Good morning Cash!" Slash said in a sing song voice, cradling the boy on his hip and bringing him downstairs.

London was still asleep in the next room over, he had been up later than he should have been last night. Fortunately for Slash, that meant he only had to watch Cash for now, and might actually get to drink his coffee.

He sat Cash down at the counter for breakfast. Cash laughed and clapped his hands as Slash fed him his oatmeal with a spoon.

The guitarist let Cash loose in the playroom to mess around and play with toys while he wrote a note to Jen full of instructions.

She was such a lovely young woman, and Slash couldn't believe he was so lucky to have her watching his kids. She was so qualified.

He scribbled down what the boys like to eat, how he usually reads to them and lets them play until dinner. He double checked the calendar and then wrote that London needs to be picked up from daycare in the afternoon.

He taped the note to the counter before adding at the bottom his phone number and "help yourself to anything in the fridge :) Slash"

London traipsed down the stairs slowly, wrapped in a trailing blanket and looking vaguely like a burrito.

Slash laughed, re-draping the blanket as he picked London up and sat him down. "London, do you want some breakfast?"

"Yes please!"

The three year old sloppily spooned oatmeal into his mouth as Slash watched to make sure he didn't make a mess, sipping his coffee.

A little while later, the guitarist dropped London off at pre-school, and then headed back home to grab his guitar and go record.

He recognized Jen's gray toyota sedan as she pulled into the driveway, and hurried to make sure that at least the entrance was clean.

The doorbell rang a few seconds later, and Slash brushed his curls back a little, then opened the huge front door.

"Hi!" Jen's brown hair was swept up in a high ponytail and she wore hardly any makeup, but he was still a little taken aback by her beauty, and felt himself smiling when she smiled.

"Come in." He stepped aside and let the babysitter in.

"JENNNN!" Cash stumbled down the stairs to hug her legs.

"Careful buddy." Slash warned him with a smile.

"Hi Cash! I missed you. Let's go upstairs and you can show me what you're doing!"


Jen shot Slash a smile. "What time are you coming home?"

"Shouldn't be back later than four I think. Everything you'll need is on a note on the counter, call me if you need anything."

"Sounds good Slash." Jen waved and then smiled, following Cash upstairs as he tugged on her jacket sleeve.

A while later, Slash was pulling into the parking lot of the studio. He felt so much better having Jen watch the kids rather than the Guns guys. Although he was sure London and Cash had tons of fun, it was stressful leaving his kids with Steven and Izzy!

This time, when he pulled out his guitar, the riffs were soulful and free, not choked or stressed like the last session.

When he was finished with the song they were recording this time, he asked the producer if they could re-record Let It Roll since they still had an hour left.

Slash wasn't a perfectionist, he just knew he could do better than the last recording sessions takes of that song, and now he had the opportunity to fix it.

Meanwhile, Jen had herded Cash into the car with her and was now on her way to pick London up from preschool.

"Hi Jen." London said politely, looking at her with big brown eyes when she arrived at the school, Cash on her hip, half asleep and ready for a nap.

"Hi London, are you ready to go home?"

"Yes. Where's my daddy?"

"He's playing guitar, so I'm watching you and Cash."

London squinted, and then nodded, grabbing onto Jen's one free hand as they crossed the parking lot together.

Jen decided that it was time for a nap when the boys got home, and with some struggle, put them down to sleep.

Since she had a spare moment, she decided to do some homework. Her textbook and the baby monitor sat in front of her, and her pen danced across the paper as she wrote down anatomy notes. It was almost four, Slash should be home soon.

The next moment, she heard Slash's garage door open and realized that she had just fallen asleep, her head was laying down on the textbook for gods sake. Her first day on the job. Shit.

Slash set down his guitar and went to check in on Jen, sitting down next to her at the kitchen table.

"Hey how was the day?"

"It was good!" Jen tried her hardest to look alert.

"Are you ok?" Slash smirked a little, she was acting funny. Had the boys already scared her away?

"Yeah yeah, I just fell asleep for a second. I was about to wake the boys up from their nap." She laughed.

"Oh, no problem. Do you want to stay for dinner? I'm about to start cooking."

"Sorry, I have class at six, I've got to go. Let me know when you need me to watch them again."

"Sounds good. Bye Jen!"


So that was chapter six, I haven't written in like two months so I'm a little out of practice and this is long af. hopefully it doesn't suck, let me know!

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