Chapter 23 - Longing

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"Ugh, thirty more pages! Does this professor think I have nothing to do but read?"

Jen twirled a piece of her brown hair as she read her textbook, trying to take notes so she would be prepared for lecture the next day. She had a paper to write that was due at the end of the week, various projects to compete and it was all starting to pile up.

She flipped ahead in her planner, fast forwarding through the weeks.

Just six more weeks until the end of the school year. Six more..... and then she was a senior! 

She glanced down at her textbook, then picked up her phone. Five minutes wouldn't hurt right?

Immediately she found herself re-reading the text conversation that she had with Slash the week before. God he was so sweet.

Oh my god she had to get back to studying, but it was getting late. The sun was just beginning to set, casting a pinkish glow in the sky that she could see from the window by her desk. Ok, since her biology homework made no sense, it was time to take a break and make dinner.

She headed to the kitchen, Kate was already there, warming up some leftovers in the microwave.

"What are you making?" Jen peeked into her tupperware container.

The other girl laughed, "We have leftover pasta from last week, I figured I'd just eat it. There is other stuff in the fridge if you want I think."

Jen nodded, she wasn't really hungry, maybe she should go for a walk, maybe call Slash-

Her friend's voice yanked her out of her thoughts. "Jeeeennnnn you have to tell me about that guy you saw all weekend! How was it? Did you get laid?"

The brunette blushed. "Yes of course I got laid! I mean, he's great, I really like him a lot. He's taking me on a date later this week hopefully, and he's so sweet, I just can't wait to see him again-"

"What's his name again?" Kate sat down at their small table,  taking a bite of pasta.

"Slash! He's lovely. He used to be a rock star."

Jen opened the fridge again, hoping something new had magically appeared. Nope, nothing had.

"Used to be? That's really cool. How old is he though?" The blonde raised an eyebrow at Jen from where she was sitting.

"To be honest, he won't tell me. He's probably like late thirties or something." She turned back to the fridge, they had lettuce, maybe she'd make a salad.

"Be careful Jen, but it sounds like he's going to be super mature for you which is great, especially since most of the boys here are definitely just boys and wouldn't treat you right." Kate shrugged, if her friend was okay with the age difference then maybe she should be too. After all, Jen's ex was a giant nightmare and she deserved a real man.

"Yeah, he treats me really well. Every time I stay over he always cooks for me and I just love that so much."

"Awww!" Kate felt herself smiling, even though she was determined to disapprove of Slash because she didn't think anyone in the world was good enough for Jen, he might be on his way to getting her full approval.

Jen giggled, thoughts of Slash already filling her mind and making her much happier and calmer. She made herself a salad and then sat down, wishing she was having some of Slash's fancy amazing cooking.

Kate was already on her way out the door, a laptop in her arms and her backpack on. "I've got to go study, I'll be back soon!" She hurriedly shut the door, and Jen relaxed in peace for two seconds before it came swinging back open.

"By the way, I got invited to a party on Friday night, its supposed to be a real rager and tons of fun, I want you to come, you never go out with me and the girls anymore!"

"Where is it at?"

"Sigma Chi's house, they have dope parties and I finally got invited, I'm bringing you along!"

"Okay." Jen felt her lips turn up into a grin. "I guess I will go."

"Perfect, LOVE YOU! See you later, fuck I'm so late to this study thing-" Kate's frantic mumbling was cut off as the door slammed behind her.

The brunette felt the urge to laugh, Kate was always a mess. Jen let her mind drift to the party, she supposed she hadn't been partying at all this semester and deserved a little bit of fun. One night, and Sigma Chi was the best known frat on campus, it was probably going to be nuts and she could finally blow off a little steam.

Especially after all the stress this week.

Fuck I have to start that paper. Jen decided to eat while she read over what the paper requirements were, that counted as working on it right?

Her phone beeped, it was a text from Slash.

She glanced at it and her heart jumped a little. She immediately went to answer it and then stopped herself. She couldn't possibly answer right away, she had to make him wait.

Okay, no that wasn't right, and she just couldn't stand waiting, she wanted to talk to him.

All his message said was "call?", so Jen dialed his number and held the phone to her ear. Her heart was beating quickly, what could he want to call about?

Oh my god she was getting so distracted! Time to think about this paper, it had to be six pages long, and it has to be about the science of cloning and its advances-

"Hello?" She heard Slash's warm thick voice on the other end, sweet like honey but still warm and rich.

"Hey, you said you wanted to call?" her voice sounded so girlish and squeaky in comparison, she  hated it.

Fuck she should have started this assignment last week! Or the week before that.

"Yeah, so I was wondering if you could come watch London and Cash on Wednesday afternoon... The band and I are going into the studio and I need someone to watch the kids."

"I have class until 2:30, but I can come over right after, does that work?"

She heard paper being shuffled around on the other end. "Yeah yeah, that's ok. It'll be a little tight but I don't want you to miss class. Thank you Jen."

"No problem, I love watching them! How was your day Slash?"

"It was good, I wrote a new guitar part that I think Velvet Revolver could use on a song somewhere-"

Jen heard a massive squeal on the other end and then she heard Slash's voice on the other end lecturing Cash gently about using his indoor voice, which caused her to let out a chuckle.

"Sorry about that. How was your day babe?"

"It was good, I'm working on some homework right now."

"What are you working on?"

She told him and the conversation flowed freely until Jen crawled into bed that night.

"Good night Slash."

"Good night Jen."

On the other end of the phone, Slash had to keep the words "I love you" from slipping out.


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