Chapter 21 - Conflict

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Slash shook his head, trying not to raise his voice at his ex-wife but she had absolutely pissed him off by calling the girl he loved a whore. Wait, did he just say he loved Jen?

Focus Slash, focus!

"We are taking this outside Perla, because the boys are still sleeping and I'd prefer not to wake them up." He hurried out the front door, Perla following him with a huff.

Jen felt her eyes go wide. She had to see this. She didn't want to intrude, but Perla had already roped her into the conversation, so she figured she had the rights to watch how things played out.

Slash and Perla were in the front driveway, Jen saw them face off against each other, peeking out of the window by the entryway.

Neither of the two noticed but she could hear everything. Their voices were a little bit muffled by the glass, but she could see the rage on both of their faces.

"Again Perla, this is not your fucking house! And Jen is not a whore, she is helping me take care of the boys, your kids!"

Aww, Slash had defended her, Perla's voice yanked her out of her thoughts.

"I know what sort of shit you'd pull Slash, you've probably cheated! I wasn't born yesterday!"

Jen guessed that Slash had in fact cheated with her, since his previous marriage wasn't technically over. The student felt more and more regret as the two kept arguing. Maybe she had singlehandedly ruined everything. Maybe she shouldn't have ever done anything with him. Maybe she was just Slash's whore, as Perla said.

No! She knew she meant something to Slash, obviously she meant something, but she didn't know what she meant to him.

"Look whose talking! Your ass flew to Hawaii with some other man, and you refuse to tell me who it is!" Slash sneered at her, not even caring how rude he was being. At this point he wanted nothing to do with her, and he'd officially lost his cool.

"Hey, you didn't deny it! You did do things with her, I know it! She's not just your nanny!"

"You gave me papers! It's not fucking cheating if we'd already agreed to get divorced! Besides, you're off vacationing with another guy so don't you fucking start!"

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew she was your little whore, because the boys aren't even awake yet and she is over, in our house! So you finally admit to fucking around with her?"

"She's not my whore, so stop fucking calling her that! What I do is literally none of your business!"

Jen sank her face into her hands. Perla was right though, technically all they'd done was sleep together, she was his whore.

By this point, the couple were screaming at each other, and it was starting to even more intense.

"So what is she then, your girlfriend?"

"No she's not my girlfriend! That is absolutely none of your business!"

Jen felt a little stab in her heart when Slash vehemently denied them being a couple. She just wished they were, and clearly she did not mean as much to him as he meant to her.

"Fine," Perla rolled her eyes. "you wanna know why I came here Slash?!"

"Actually yes, why the hell are you here? I'm trying to move on with my fucking life! What do you want? You already fuckin' broke my heart, cheated on me, asked for a divorce, what else do you want??"

"I wanted to ask for you back! I thought it was a mistake to give you papers! But clearly this isn't going to work!" His ex-wife crossed her arms and stared him down.

A serious look of anger and confusion crossed over the guitarists face. "And why would you want me back? Do you ever have reasons for what you do or do you just arbitrarily go around trying to fuck up my life??"

"You know what, fuck it, I don't know why I ever thought that would be a good idea, because you're a dick and you don't deserve me!"

He leaned back. " I'm pretty sure it's the other way around."

Perla just stayed quiet, maybe she'd gone too far. Slash was more pissed off than she had ever seen him.

Jen tried to focus on the argument, but there was a feeling of insecurity and regret rising in the pit of her stomach, what if Perla was right, maybe she was too young for Slash, maybe she shouldn't have done anything with him. What if she was just a huge idiot and had gotten herself mixed up in something she shouldn't have?

A couple of tears slipped down her cheeks, and she sniffled. She tried to block the two screaming adults out, because Perla was in the middle of a rant, and she hadn't heard Slash speak for a while.

Gosh, she felt so stupid, Slash probably wasn't going to ask her to be his girlfriend, maybe he was just going to end up hurting her. No matter how lost in her own thoughts she was, her ears couldn't help but tune in as she heard Slash say something for the first time in a couple minutes.

Slash felt himself snap. "I'm done with you Perla! No more, just get out of my life!"

The student glanced up just in time to see Slash pull the wedding band off of his finger and throw it down on the sidewalk. The silver ring bounced twice before settling down in a crack in the pavement of the driveway.

Perla looked a little taken aback.

Slash continued, "The divorce papers are signed, they are in the kitchen so you can go collect them right now. If you want to say goodbye to the boys go do so, because they are probably up, and then you better fucking leave."

"Fine." The redheaded woman looked at him, then walked towards the house, presumably to say goodbye to the boys. She glared at the guitarist one last time before going inside.

Jen did not want to cross paths with an angry Perla, that was definitely a recipe for disaster, so she scurried out of the entryway, past the garage and then bolted to her car, she had to get out of there.

All the emotions that she had been feeling were overwhelming her. Since she was now alone in her car, she let the tears fall, feeling broken and stupid.

Why had she even thought being with Slash was a good idea in the first place?

Pangs of regret filled her stomach as she sobbed, she should just go. She lifted her head up with the intent to drive away when she made eye contact with Slash.

Her eyes rested on him for a second before she quickly dropped her head and tried to dry her tears.

The guitarist rushed over, he couldn't stand seeing her cry, and he immediately tried to open the passenger side door of her gray Toyota.

It was locked.

Jen debated whether she should let him in or drive off.


Okay so I know a lot of you guys wanted Jen to fight Perla so sorry to disappoint but I just felt like this is slash's battle to fight and also that Jen is not the type of person to go ham and like throw fists at someone ex wife so hope you guys liked the chapter regardless! lmk

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