Chapter 29 - Home

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Wheels skidding on the Los Angeles pavement, Slash was twenty miles over the speed limit on a back road to the university.

His phone was on speaker, sitting in the cup holder. He could still audibly hear Jen's heavy breathing through the phone, she was clearly having some sort of panic attack.

"Baby I'm almost here, where exactly are you?"

"Um, um, I'm" Her voice shook again from the tears. She couldn't stop them from coming and it was turning into her worst nightmare because people had started to wake up and wander the campus, she hoped no one could see her tears. "I'm by the front sign, I'm waving can you see m-me?"

"Yes I think so, I'll be right there, just hold on for a couple more seconds." Slash threw the car in park in one of the visitor spaces, then got out and jogged toward her, all he wanted to do was give her a big hug.

Wordlessly, the brunette hugged him tight, feeling some of the anxiety melt away, but the tears would not stop.

"Come here, let's go the car, just sit and relax alright?"

She nodded, wiping the rest of her tears with the sweatshirt. She knew she smelled like alcohol, Axe and body odor but there was nothing she could do about it now.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome baby." He opened the passenger seat door for her and helped her inside.

He sat down in the drivers seat, immediately cuddling her up to his chest. "Jen, what happened?"

"I can't- I just can't talk about it yet." She cut herself off as more tears came to her eyes. Fuck, she hated crying in front of Slash.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me right away, I don't mean to force you. Just focus on your breathing."

She kept her head down and nestled into his chest again, finally her chest seemed to unclench and her breathing went back to normal. "Can you take me home, like back to your place?"

"Anything you want babe, anything that will make you feel better."

"Thank you Slash, you are the best."

"I think that you're the best." He placed a kiss on the top of her head and then pulled out of the parking spot.

The car stayed silent all the way home, just Jen leaning on his shoulder and one of his arms around her waist.

"We're here," Slash announced as he opened the garage door.

"Thanks for driving me." Jen kept her eyes closed. She was already exhausted.

"How about I carry you upstairs to the big bed?"

Her mind flashed back to Joey asking if he could carry her to bed last night when she started to feel lightheaded.

Slash would never ever do that though.

"Jen, babe, you okay?"

"Yes I'm okay. You can carry me, thank you."

"Alright," Slash gently lifted her out of the car and kicked the door shut. She looked so small and tiny in his arms, and she was pretty light.

He hoped that she would please tell him what was wrong soon, he was sick of guessing and he just wanted to know what had happened to his girlfriend because he had a couple of suspicions and neither of them were good. Could he call her his girlfriend? oh fuck it.

All that today reaffirmed was that he truly loved this girl, as soon as he could he wanted to talk about being official.

"Okay babe, get all comfy, do you wanna take a nap?" He laid her down and she crawled under the sheets. They smelled like him and she finally felt safe.

"Thanks Slash you're the best."

"You're welcome baby, do you want me to leave or do you want me to stay with you?"

"Can you please stay and cuddle me to sleep?"

"Yes babygirl." Slash felt himself smile and start to relax. Holding her was going to help him feel more at peace too.

She nestled into his chest, feeling the tension release from her muscles and from her mind. Slash just made her feel so safe and she drifted off to sleep.

A couple hours later she woke up feeling much better, Slash's arms still around her. She stretched, feeling absolutely disgusting and like she needed a shower.

"Good morning baby. How was your nap?"

"It was really nice. Thank you for picking me up, I appreciate it so much, I was just really freaking out."

Slash chuckled. "Babe I could tell, I knew you wouldn't have called me or asked me to do that unless it was serious."

"Yeah I would never have made you drop everything like that for something that I could handle myself," Jen sat up, trying not to think about telling Slash what happened. How would he react? She felt bad because he was clearly curious and definitely deserved an explanation as to why she called him crying on the phone on a Saturday and requested that he drive half an hour to pick her up.

Slash joined her, twisting his curls into a ponytail. "You know you can always call me, I always want to help you."

"Thank you. You're the best." She cuddled back into his chest and they stayed tangled together like that for a few minutes.

The disgusting, dirty feeling was intensifying and Jen almost felt like her skin was crawling. She had to shower.

"Um, can I take a shower here maybe? and steal some of your clothes to use as pajamas?"

"Yes of course you can, whatever you want to wear you can go for it."

"Thank you."

"No problem baby, you go shower, I'll be right here resting when you get back."

"Thank you Slashy." The guitarist felt his heart melt when she called him that nickname.

Jen hurried to the bathroom, she just wanted to physically scrub everything off of her, she imagined Joey had touched her skin and the thought of that just made her want to vomit. Her stomach churned a little. Was she actually going to throw up?

Oh my god she was. Her mouth tasted like pennies and bile began rising in her throat. At least she was already in the bathroom.

From the bedroom, Slash heard the sounds of retching in the bathroom. "Jen are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I swear I'm okay. Go back to bed babe!" She didn't want him to worry about her any more than he already was.

After she had rinsed out her mouth and flushed the toilet, she stepped into the shower. Slash had bar soap and a shampoo bottle sitting on the shower shelf and then a conditioner bottle resting on the floor, perfect, she could wash her hair.

The warm water ran over her body for what felt like ages, steam filling the bathroom as she scrubbed every inch of her skin to make sure that no trace of him touching her remained.

After washing and combing through her hair she felt so much better. Completely cleansed and clean from last night, she emerged from the shower and wrapped herself in one of Slash's fluffy gray towels. Her hair was put up in another towel and she headed to the closet to get dressed. His house now felt like where she belonged.


Hope you guys liked this chapter! I've written three in one day omg, these last couple chapters were just really drama filled and I had to write them at the same time! lmk what you think!

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