Chapter 24 - Roses

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Wednesday classes went by in a blur now that she knew that she would be watching the kids that night and inevitably seeing Slash after.

At 2:30, she called Slash real quick to let him know she was on her way. The two had been calling a lot lately. Mostly she just loved the sound of Slash's voice and it helped her calm down immensely from the stress of school that had been weighing on her a lot this week.


"Hey Slash, I'm on my way now!"

He chuckled through the phone. "Drive safe babe, I'll see you soon."

"Bye!" The brunette hung up the phone, driving off campus and heading in the direction of Slash's house. She couldn't wait to play with the boys!

When she got there, she knocked on the door to Slash's massive house and instantly he opened it. He must have been waiting for her.

Slash wrapped her in a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She got enveloped in his strong arms and the mass of curls that were loose tickled the back of her neck.

"I missed you," he admitted, pulling away from her just as the boys came running down the stairs.

"Hi!" Jen knelt down to hug the boys.

"Jenny, have new car!" Cash enthusiastically held up a shiny deep blue hotwheels car.

"Oh wow, let's play with it!" She admired Cash's car while scooping up London for a hug.

Slash smiled, picking up his guitar and slipping out the door to head to the studio. "Bye." He wished he was there to see the look on Jen's face when she saw the surprise he left for her on the counter, but he was going to be late if he didn't leave right now.

Jen made her way upstairs with the two boys, sitting them down in the playroom to play. Cash was obsessed with his cars while London was still all about making his dinosaurs fight in the opposite corner.

She figured she had one second to slip over to the kitchen and see the note that Slash left on the counter as he did every time.

Instead of a normal notebook paper note however, she walked over to a big bundle of fragrant red roses.

What?? Slash is amazing.

She hurried over, was there a card with them? Yes there was. Oh my gosh this must have been so expensive, she didn't even know how she was going to thank him.

She plucked a little white envelope out from underneath the vase, opening it gingerly so as not to tear the card inside.

"Dear Jen, thank you for everything. I wanted to do something nice for you, and I want you to know that I have been so happy since meeting you."

Oh my god. The brunette felt her heart swelling with happiness and her eyes filling with joyful tears. No one had ever done anything this sweet for her in her entire life. She felt joy washing over her whole heart at the thought of Slash doing something this sweet! How did Perla ever take him for granted?

She texted him a thank you, wishing that he was here in person for her to thank him properly and give him a hug.

She pulled herself together, wiping the unshed tears from the corners of her eyes and praying that she didn't look puffy and that Cash and London wouldn't notice.

After a couple minutes of deep breathing, Jen walked into the playroom to find that London was still making his dinosaurs fight other dinosaurs, and Cash was still playing with his cars.

She walked over to Cash. "Show me your new car Cash!"

"Ok Jenny!"

The little boy made the blue car vroom on the carpet and then race another car that Jen drove.

"Ok Cash, Let me go see what your brother is doing and then we can have another race!"

He nodded slowly, turning back to the race track.

"London how's it going?"

"It's gweat."

"What are you doing?"

"Well, T Rex is fighting triceratops and then they will team up to fight the bad guy."

"I see." Jen held back a laugh.

The hours playing with the boys and feeding them dinner went by quickly and before she knew it, her phone was ringing with a call from Slash.

"Hey Slash."

"Hey Jen, I'm on my way home, have the boys eaten dinner yet?"

"Yes, they have."

London hurried up to the phone, "Hi daddy!!"

She heard the guitarist's laugh on the other end of the line. "Okay well I will be home soon to see the munchkins, and see you babe."

"Bye!" She hung up the call feeling so happy and with butterflies in her stomach. God Slash was so cute.

It was almost time for the boys to go to bed, and then she'd get alone time with him, she was tingling with excitement just think about it.

A few minutes later the garage door opened, and Slash stepped into the house. Jen and the boys were there to greet him and give him hugs.

"Hey." He smoothly kissed Jen on the forehead, and she blushed at how sweet he was.

After the boys were put to bed, they sat on the couch downstairs. "Come snuggle." Slash wrapped his arm around her and gently pulled her closer.

They cuddled together on the couch in silence, Slash channel surfing to find them something to watch.

"Slash, I just have to thank you. Thank you so much for the roses. They were gorgeous. I just can't even believe you would do that for me. I can't! You're just the best."

"I'm so glad you liked them." He kissed the top of her head.

"Of course I did, that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." Jen felt her heart fill with that elated feeling again.

Slash hugged her tightly, willing the words 'I love you' to stay in his mind and tumble out.

Beside him, Jen was struggling to hold back those same three words and they sat cuddled up in silence.

"You are the best to me Slash, I've never had a guy treat me the way you do and I just can't wait to go on our date!"

"I'm so glad! I can't wait to take you on a date!" Slash hugged her to his chest even tighter. After a few minutes of holding her, he broke their serene silence.

"I'm always going to treat you this way, for as long as you're in my life. But I can't help but wonder if you've been with anyone in the past who didn't treat you right?"

Jen sighed, taking a deep breath and preparing to tell him about her past relationship. She never told anyone about what had happened with her and Joey, the charming baseball player who swept her off her feet freshman year of college and ended up being a douchebag in the end.

"Yes there was a guy who I dated that really wasn't good for me."


What did we think of Slash's sweet romantic gesture?? I hope you guys liked this chapter, kind of an emotional section about Jen's past is coming up.... will be lots of drama, hope you're excited.

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