Chapter 30 - Official

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Meanwhile, Slash was almost drifting off. He occasionally heard happy shrieks downstairs from the three children and he was relieved to be able to give Jen his full attention.

Of course he tried not to think about what happened but the scenarios just kept creeping into his mind.

Did she fail a test? Forget to register for classes? No, no Jen would never ever let something get to her that badly, it had to be something much bigger.

Fuck what was going on? All Slash wanted was to help solve whatever had happened but it was frustrating not knowing!

What if something happened at the party? She mentioned having an ex at her college, maybe he was there? That seems plausible.

Maybe she blacked out and didn't know where she was. The guitarist laughed without humor, he'd done that plenty of times and ended up in some pretty bizarre places, it was always slightly terrifying.

Maybe it was a combination of the two?

He faintly heard someone talking, maybe Jen was on the phone?

Oh well, a quick nap wouldn't hurt.

Meanwhile, Jen had just gotten out of the shower, wrapped in a fluffy towel.

She was on the phone with Kate, who was incredibly worried about her and had been all day. "Jen where have you been?! I've been worried sick! I went upstairs to find you last night and you weren't there and I left the house in the morning hoping you were at the apartment but you weren't there- fuck where even are you right now??"

Jen sighed. "I- I don't even know but I saw Joey and I panicked, then I drank too much and fell asleep there. I'm at Slash's house now."

She felt awful lying to Kate but she knew if she said anything the stubborn blonde would find a way to make her talk about it, and she really didn't want to confront it.

The blonde was on the other end of the line pinching the bridge of her nose. "Jen I've been so worried about you! What did Joey do to you and why did he want to see you? Why was he even there?"

She looked down, biting her lip. "He told me he joined Sigma Chi last semester just hoping to try greek life or something like that. I don't remember shit Kate, I think I had way too much to drink 'cause I don't remember anything except being with you when we got there, and then seeing Joey, then waking up there and ending up at Slash's house."

It wasn't a complete lie, just kind of omitting the truth. She felt awful lying to Kate, her best friend of all people, but she couldn't bring herself to talk about what happened yet. Saying it out loud made it true. Right now it just felt like a dream.

"Christ Jenny, I called you 30 times! I'm just glad you're okay."

"Me too," the brunette said softly. "Okay I've got to go soon but how was your night?"

"Oh it was great for the first part! I made out with this hot guy and got really drunk. It was great until the whole Joey thing happened. Honestly when I couldn't find you I freaked out." The blonde student shrugged.

"Yeah same here. It all went downhill as soon as I saw him. I'm glad you had fun though." Jen felt a small smile come to her face for the first time that whole day. "Do you have any plans for the rest of the weekend?"

She put Kate on speaker while patting her skin dry with the fluffy towel.

"Not much, I actually have to study this weekend, but I might go out tonight with Sarah and that whole crowd."

"Okay, have fun Kate. I've got to go so I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye, I'm just so glad you're okay. Talk to you soon." Jen ended the call and set her phone on the counter. It was time to get dressed!

She headed into Slash's closet and got dressed in one of his big t-shirts and some big gym shorts. She felt so tiny wearing them, he was just so big and strong.

She opened the bathroom door to head out to the master suite and a waft of warm steam followed her out. Gosh it was cold outside of her warm bathroom paradise.

Slash was cuddled up in the sheets, it looked like he was half asleep at least.

"Hi babe." He mumbled, adjusting to Jen could fit underneath his arm and cuddle.

"Are you sleepy Slash?"

"mm hmm. Did you still wanna go on our date tonight?"

The brunette had to think it over, she wanted to but she really wasn't in the outfit or headspace to go out right now. "How about we stay in instead?"

"Anything for you baby. I really do want to take you out but like if you wanna stay in then we will stay in."

"Slash, promise if I tell you what happened you won't tell anyone else?"

The guitarist looked much more alert now. "No of course I would never tell anyone baby. I just want to help you, please just let me know how to help you."

"Babe you're so helpful. Thank you for everything, even just you cuddling me helps so much. Clearly you care about me tons and I just am so lucky to have you."

"Awww." I love you almost slipped out of Slash's lips again before he quickly stopped it. "I'm so glad you appreciate everything. I just wish I could help more."

"I'm sorry, you'd definitely be able to help more if you knew the story, but I just can't say it out loud yet, I'm too afraid." She looked down, how come she wouldn't open up to Slash about this?

She had always told him tons of stuff before! And of course he wasn't going to tell anyone. She was being so paranoid.

"It's okay baby, I'm sure you're justified to be feeling that upset."

She nodded, letting her brown hair fall into her face a little. "I think so."

Slash suddenly sat up, grabbing one of her hands in his. "Jen I can't wait any longer to ask you this and I know it is an absolutely terrible time but I just have to ask."

"Yes Slash?" She felt a grin tugging at her lips. Was he finally going to ask her to be his girlfriend? She'd be so happy!

"Babe, we've been acting like a couple for a few weeks, is it ok if I call you my girlfriend? Today just made me realize how much I care for you and that I'd do anything for you."

"Yes I'd love to be your girlfriend!" Jen hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go. Her heart felt open and happy for the first time in ages. She blushed. "I've kind of been calling you my boyfriend for the past few days, and I couldn't wait much longer."

"Well I wanted to wait but I couldn't wait anymore, I just really wanted us to be official!"

"Me too." She leaned in to press another passionate kiss to Slash's lips.


they are official!! woop woop is everyone happy with this? lmk in the comments! It been a long time coming!

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