Chapter 10 - Guitar

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Slash gently cupped her face with one of his hands, but as he began to lean closer, London picked that moment to wake up and start crying.

Immediately the guitarist pulled away and the two snapped out of it.

Slash hurried upstairs to check on his son. What was he doing, flirting with his babysitter?

The wedding ring on his finger felt restricting for the first time ever.

He picked up London and rocked him until he calmed down slightly.

It was then when the little boy noticed Jen standing in the doorway of the room. "Hi Jen."

Slash turned around, seeing the brunette looking back at him with a smile.

"Here, let me take him Slash."

"No it's alright. I'll let him in the playroom with Cash and they can play together, while we talk."

"Playroom! Dinosaurs??" London's face lit up with joy as Slash set him down.

Jen knelt down to London's height. "Go on buddy! I'll be right behind you!"

The three year old sped off to collect his dinosaurs and finally the adults had a second to talk.

"Jen, I'm not planning on doing anymore practicing but you can stay as long as you like."

"Thanks Slash, I do like playing with them." She looked down at the floor a little, and then turned to walk away, but Slash gently grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to look at him.

"Maybe tonight after the kids go to bed, I could play guitar for you?"

A genuine smile played on her lips. "Slash that would be amazing."

She went to play with London, realizing that she would have now spent the entire day there, and she wasn't mad about it at all. And she blushed thinking about their almost-kiss. Maybe tonight he'd kiss her for real.

"Alright London, show me your favorite dinosaurs!" Jen tossed her hair up in a messy bun and sat down cross legged next to him.

"Okay... These are my dinosaurs. And these are your dinosaurs. And now we're gonna have a fight!"

Jen tried her hardest not to laugh as she made her dinosaurs fight against London's.

Slash watched them for a second and then went downstairs to start dinner. So what if he was just thinking about kissing Jen later?

Okay Slash stop and focus on the task at hand!

He had a nice gourmet sort of dinner in mind, and began to cook vegetables on the stove since he knew that Jen was watching the boys and that they would be fine.

He shifted to preparing the fish, he had a hunk of salmon in the fridge that needed to get eaten and he figured tonight was the perfect night since he finally had someone else to share dinner with.

He had just set the fish to a simmer on the stove when he heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Something smells good." Jen observed, balancing Cash on her hip and London following close behind.

She shot Slash a smile and set the boys down on the couch, turning on Nickelodeon for them.

"Yay! TVVVVV!" London cuddled up happily in a blanket with an adorable smile.

Cash looked enthralled by all the colors on the screen and let Jen sneak away to see what the guitarist was whipping up in the kitchen.

"What are you making?"

Slash turned around to see the pretty brunette standing behind him and set his wooden spoon down on the counter.

"I found some salmon in the fridge, figured you could help me eat it?"

"That sounds delicious."

Suddenly the two were dragged out of their own little world as they heard London punch Cash for stealing his blanket and the cries that ensued.

"Dear god can you two not share a couch together?" The brunette scolded them lightheartedly, breaking up the fight.

After dinner, Jen offered to help clean up but Slash insisted that she was a guest and shouldn't help clean the kitchen.

Instead she just relaxed on the couch with the boys, (in between them of course, so no one got punched), and watched a few more TV shows, and then put them to bed.

As soon as she'd just closed London's door, Slash had just crept out of Cash's room. It was now dark outside and the atmosphere felt homey, she liked just being alone with Slash.

"How about I go play something for you then?" He asked, grabbing her hand and leading her down to the studio.

As soon as they got down to the room next to the garage, the guitarist opened the door for her and immediately Jen was shocked at all the guitars.

"Oh my gosh this room is beautiful." Jen gazed around in awe.

Slash picked up the Les Paul he'd been using to practice. "Come sit, I'll play you the Velvet Revolver tune we are working on. It's called Just Sixteen."

A scrap piece of paper sat on the floor, lyrics. Jen read over them as Slash played her the intro lick and a solo.

He stopped playing, ending on a long sustained note and looking over at her for approval. "What do you think?"

"It was awesome!" She gave him a mini round of applause. "Now can you show me what Guns N Roses was like?"

"If you want. I'll play you probably our most popular song. Maybe you'll recognize it from the radio or something."

Slash started the intro of Sweet Child O' Mine, immediately encouraged when he saw her eyes light up in recognition.

"I know this one! Wait holy fuck, that was your band?? I didn't even realize!"

Slash's face broke into a full, huge grin at her reaction. That was the biggest he'd smiled since Perla left.

"Yeah." He hung his head down a little, he was proud of everything they'd accomplished.

"Slash that was amazing, but it's late so I better get going."

"I'll walk you to the door." He smiled and led her to the entryway, one of his larger hands holding hers.

"But before you go, I want to finish what we started," he gently tugged her closer to him, his voice already lower and sexier.

Jen felt her heart pounding again, he was just so smooth and confident.

He gently cupped her face with one hand like before, gazing into her eyes, giving her one last chance to say no. She nodded slowly, and he leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss.

It was everything he'd hoped it would be, passionate and sweet.

Slash pulled away, stopping to take one more look at her gorgeous green eyes.

Jen was standing there speechless, a wide smile on her face. "Wow, um, bye Slash I'll see you soon."

"Bye Jen."

He had just let her out the door when his Nokia rang. It was Perla.


"Slash, I think I want a divorce."


OOH fun things are happening. What did y'all think? Sorry this chapter is longer than usual but they finally kisssssseddddd!

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