Chapter 22 - Finally

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Maybe if she talked to him it would make her feel better.

Slash knocked on the window, a pleading expression on his face.

She knew talking to him would help but she didn't want to face him when she was this emotional.

Slash knocked again, looking a little desperate.

She rolled down the window, aware that she looked crazy, crying in the car. "What makes you think I want to talk to you Slash, just let me leave. I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't have stayed over."

Slash shook his head, "Please just talk to me Jen."

Hmmmmm. Okay fine.

She finally unlocked the door, and Slash immediately hopped in once he could.

"Jen I didn't realize you heard all that, I'm so sorry!"

The younger girl just sniffled, "it's okay. I stayed to listen, it's my fault, not yours. I could have just left."

"Even still, I swear, I'm so sorry, don't listen to anything that she said."

Slash pulled Jen close to him, enveloping her in a huge hug.

"When you're ready, please tell me what's wrong, I want to fix it."

Jen nodded, already feeling better since she was back in his arms.

Slash stroked her hair, and made sure she felt safe and comfortable.

Silence settled over them as she slowly stopped crying, feeling soothed by Slash's warm embrace.

"Jen, can you tell me what's on your mind now?"

Her mind drifted to the slow and caring sex that she and Slash had last night, he was so sweet to her.

Then she thought about the cute moment they had in the kitchen, where he leaned in and kissed her nose.

Maybe Perla was wrong about them after all.

"Yeah, maybe it would help to talk to you about it." Jen wiped her tears one last time.

"I want to make you feel better," Slash confessed. "I hate seeing you sad."

The girl sighed, "Slash, just, I know you said not to believe what Perla said, but I couldn't help it. She's right, we aren't dating, so technically I guess I am just your fuck buddy or whatever, and I feel bad for technically making you cheat on her. When I heard you guys fighting, I just felt like I'd fucked everything up and that maybe I am too young for you, and that she was right."

She looked up, willing the tears that were pooling in her eyes to go away and not fall. "Damn it."

Slash wrapped an arm around her, "Jen, nothing Perla said was true. Maybe from the outside it looks like cheating because we aren't legally divorced, but I want nothing to do with her, and she wants nothing to do with me."

"I know, you took off your ring finally." Jen smiled.

"Yes I did, because I want our marriage over with. And Jen, it might look like we are just together for sex or whatever from someone's outside view, but that's only because they don't know how I feel about you."

Slash swallowed his nerves again. He had to tell her he had feelings for her, he'd liked her for weeks.

"And how do you feel about me?" The brunette raised an eyebrow at him, was he about to say what she thought he was? Her heart was beating so fast with adrenaline, was this it? Was he going to say that he had feelings for her?

The guitarist, who usually looked so confident and comfortable was visibly nervous as he held one of her hands in his.

His heart was pounding in his chest. If he'd already gotten this far he may as well just tell her how he felt, but he was so nervous to be this vulnerable. What if she didn't feel the same way?

"Jen, I, I really like you okay? And I want you to be my girlfriend sometime soon, but I want to take things slow, I just got out of a marriage. I think you're amazing and you're so smart, and funny and clumsy and I just have so much fun when I'm with you. I was going to ask you earlier today how you would feel about being my girlfriend eventually, but then then all that shit happened and just, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to rush into a relationship but I feel myself falling for you and-"

The smile on Jen's pretty features was so wide that it lit up her whole face. "I really like you too Slash."

She immediately leaned over to tackle him in a hug. "Of course I want to be your girlfriend as soon as we are both ready for it."

"Thank god, I was so nervous to ask!" Slash chuckled and held her close, holding Jen in his arms felt like home, even if they were uncomfortably wedged in the front seat of her tiny sedan.

"Slash, of course I'd say yes!!" Jen pulled him in for a passionate kiss, feeling overjoyed and so happy at how amazing he was.

"I don't know, what if you didn't feel the same way about me?" Slash squeezed her tightly in a hug.

"I thought it was obvious that I liked you!" she protested, kissing Slash on the cheek.

"Do you want to go out on a date with me soon then?" Slash couldn't keep the boyish grin off his face.

"Yes. Slash I'd love that!"

"Hmm we can do whatever you like babe, just pick and we can do it."

"Ok, you'll have to let me think, I'm not sure, I'm more of a be at home and relax type of girl..."

"How about we stay in and cook dinner together, and then we can watch a horror movie or something and cuddle?" Slash sighed in contented relief as he kissed her forehead.

"That sounds perfect, I think that would be really romantic." Jen perked up to kiss his lips.

"So what are we exactly?" Slash wasn't sure. "I know that I'm not fully over Perla, it'll take time. We are kind of in between dating and not dating..."

"Slash, that's called being 'a thing'." She giggled at his cute confusion.

"So we're 'a thing'?" The guitarist confirmed.

"Yes," Jen nodded, "and then further down the line we can be officially dating, once things are resolved with the divorce."

"How about this weekend? I already know what to do with the kids."

"I'd love to Slash, and speaking of weekend, I've got to get back to campus, I've got class tomorrow, it'll be Monday!"

Then he glanced back at Jen, "how about I convince you to stay one more night with me?"

"I think I could be easily convinced."


That's the end of that, what do y'all thinkkkkkk! They are finally together-ish, they'll be official soon!! I know it taken ages but it has to be semi realistic ok 😂😂 Also are my chapters getting too long?

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