Chapter 15 - Falling

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The next morning Jen woke up to sunlight streaming through the windows, Slash's arm still around her and the fluffy king size mattress cradling her body.

The events from last night came flooding back. Without the cover of darkness, it all felt wrong.

She didn't want to wake Slash up, and she didn't want this to be a one night stand where she just left him by himself when he woke up.

Her eyes fell upon the slim silver band of his wedding ring, still sitting pretty on his left hand.

This was definitely wrong. She should not have done anything with him, this was a bad idea, she was a bad person-

"Morning." Slash rolled over to face her peacefully. His brown eyes looked even more beautiful in daylight, and suddenly all her worries seemed to melt away.

"Morning Slash." She giggled softly, he was so cute and his morning voice was rough and sexy. Suddenly she felt all those thoughts she'd tried to suppress about falling for him bubbling back up to the surface. Wait fuck it was Thursday! What time was it? She still had class!

"What are you thinking about? You look worried." Slash brushed her hair gently out of her face, looking concerned.

"I have class at 11! What time is it?"

Slash shifted so she could read his watch. 8:24 am.

"Whew. I was worried I was going to be late. I have tons of time." She let out a deep breath, feeling herself relax about class and also about what she and Slash had done.

"Yeah, do you want something for breakfast?" The guitarist stood up, grabbing a pair of jeans off the floor and tugging them on.

Jen remained huddled under the blankets, "Slash, I kind of left all my clothes downstairs, I wouldn't want Cash and London to see me and they'll probably be up soon."

"Wait here." Slash flashed her a small smile and pulled a t-shirt out of his closet for her, it was a Velvet Revolver tee that fit just a little loosely on him.

Jen wrapped herself in the comforter, putting her hair in a ponytail as Slash handed her his t-shirt.

"How do I look?" Jen asked with a laugh, the shirt went down almost halfway to her knees.

"Pretty." Slash felt himself grin. "You look even more beautiful with your hair down though."

"Really?" Jen blushed a little, taking out her ponytail, flipping her hair to one side.

"See, you look really pretty Jen." Slash brushed the hair gently out of her face and kissed the top of her head. The pair walked downstairs together. Jen put on her pants from yesterday, but left on his shirt, it was just too sweet that he gave it to her.

"Slash before I go, I just have to ask."

"What's up Jen?"

"Was that just a one time thing, or could we do it again?" She blushed immediately, looking down as soon as she got the words out.

The guitarist chuckled. "I don't think I'd mind it at all if I got to fuck you again."

"Oh good. I didn't want it to be just a one night stand, it was so much fun."

"I'm glad. I had fun too!"

She saw the big smile on his face before he turned back around and disappeared into the pantry.

"Do you want something to eat before you leave for class?"

"Actually that would be great." The brunette hadn't realized, but she was getting hungry. "Do you have any cereal?"

"What kind of household would I be running if we didn't have cereal?" Slash chuckled from the pantry.

"Okay, okay, what kinds do you have?" Jen sat down at the table, cracking a smile.

"Cheerios, Wheaties, Lucky Charms, Special K, whole bunch of kinds, take your pick."

"I just want Cheerios" Jen smiled, and Slash brought her the box from the pantry.

He also realized that he hadn't thought about Perla since yesterday afternoon, and now that he was thinking about her, it didn't hurt nearly as bad as it first did, because he had been away from her for so long now, and he realized he had someone better sitting right in front of him.

After Jen finished her cereal she hurried downstairs, waving goodbye to Slash and rushing out the door. Class started in an hour and she definitely needed to shower still.

As she turned the corner out of Slash's neighborhood, all she could think about was last night. Being wrapped up in that moment with him, being snuggled up to him all night, feeling so good when he touched her, listening to him say that she felt good, it all felt so surreal and wonderful.

God did she want to do that again.

Oh my god Jen get your mind out of the gutter! You've literally got class in an hour.   She scolded herself as she drove down the street, watching the buildings go by.

The brunette pulled up to campus, parking her car and heading into her apartment.

She opened the door, the living space was empty, Kate must be in class.

Jen kicked off her shoes, tossing her purse onto the couch and heading to the bathroom for a shower.

She lovingly folded Slash's shirt up and placed it on the bathroom counter. It still smelled like him, like clean soap and laundry detergent, plus the slightest bit of cigarette smoke.

It was crazy how much she already treasured Slash's shirt and their time together.

She let the warm shower water run over her body, finally starting to come to terms with the fact that okay, maybe she had some feelings for Slash, no matter how wrong it was. And if she couldn't be in a relationship with him, she'd take the sex.

He was just so damn sweet, so mature, so nice to her and gosh, so sexy too, plus so talented at guitar and a wonderful dad.

"Jesus christ he's still fuckin' married, I need to stop. He would never feel the same way." Jen muttered to herself as she turned off the shower, drying herself off a with a towel and getting dressed.

She threw her hair up in a ponytail, grabbing her backpack and heading to class, still trying to push the memories of Slash's touch out of her mind.

Jen slouched down in her seat in the lecture hall, pulling out her notebook and preparing to take notes.


I swear I've given up planning out this fic, it never goes in the direction I've planned and I hope you guys are still enjoying it because I love writing it. Your guess is as good as mine as far as what will happen in the next chapter, who fuckin' knows!

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