Chapter 27 - Black Out

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The memories came flooding back in no matter how quickly she tried to block them out.

Their early days, hanging out after baseball games, the cozy nights in his dorm room which was decorated with university pennants and old baseball team pictures from high school, the trips home to her parents house for the summer-

No stop.

None of this matters. No matter how good it was, things got far worse later when she realized that he never supported her dreams, and in general turned out to be not a good guy for her.

God she hoped that he couldn't see the panic on her face. She tried to duck into the crowd of people and keep him from noticing her but he seemed dead set, like a lion stalking its prey.

Okay okay, I am strong, I am going to handle this and it is ok if he wants to talk because he is my past and Slash is my future.

Her pep talk came just in time because he was now in front of her.

"Hi Jen, how have you been?"

"G-good." She stammered a little because of the alcohol, her beer was already half empty.

"I'm glad to hear that."

"When did you um, join Sigma Chi?" the brunette girl looked him up and down, his eyes were still big and brown, his brown hair was slightly messy and he was just as muscular as ever clearly, his greek letter shirt stretched over his chest. God why did a guy as shitty as him have to be so hot!

But standing before him, she felt no feelings, nothing like she felt for Slash. He was just nice to look at and she wished she'd realized it earlier.

"Oh this year actually, I figured I'd join Greek life just to try it." He smoothly grabbed her hand, leading her out to the backyard where it was less crowded.

Unable to resist she just froze and let him lead her out. What about Kate? Hopefully she was doing alright.

"Okay." Jen nodded, finishing off her corona with one last gulp.

"Are you still friends with Kate? I swear she always hated me."

"Yes, actually I need to go find her-"

"Perfect I'll come with you."

"um, ok." As soon as he came around, Jen felt herself transform into the meek version of herself that she was while she was with him. When Slash was around, she was confident and felt strong, whereas she just felt tiny and powerless in Joey's presence.

She hurried back into the house, heading to the living room where she last saw Kate. Unfortunately for her, Kate wasn't there. Fuck.

She is probably looking for me too oh my gosh. Ok ok, let's try kitchen.

Joey was close behind her, his fingers loosely threaded through hers, but she felt powerless to say no to his advances.

"While we are here, do you want another drink?" Joey pulled out a beer for himself and one for her.

"Um sure." Fuck she had to find Kate. She kept one eye on him as he opened her beer for her and then turned around to look for Kate as she accepted it.

Suddenly someone bumped into her from behind and she turned to look at who it was, oh some football player she didn't know, oh well.

"Hey watch it man." Joey gave him a glare and then guided her away from the kitchen toward the stairs.

"Do you see Kate?" He asked her, seemingly kindly.

Jen shook her head. "No... maybe we could try upstairs." Why was he being so nice to her, what the fuck was going on?

Ok now she was being paranoid, nothing was happening, maybe he had just genuinely changed and was being friendly because he was drunk.

That was it. That seems plausible I guess, her already fuzzy mind did not see an issue with that logic.

She took another drink as she followed Joey up the stairs. She should definitely text Kate, she needed help getting out of this situation asap.

Her beer tasted funny and a little more fizzy than normal but she didn't think much of it, it was probably just because she didn't like Coors as much as Corona.

"See her?" Joey led her to the upstairs hallway which was full of people and couples making out against the walls. Ew.

Jen shook her head, downing the rest of the can. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"No reason, why can't I be nice to a girl that I used to date? I'm not a monster."

"I don't know. I just didn't expect it I guess." Was he genuinely like, a changed person now? Or did he want something from her? Fuck it, she had to text Kate.

She flipped open her phone, seeing a missed call and a couple of texts from Kate, all of which asked "Where are you??"

Oh good, the blonde hadn't abandoned her, she was looking as well.

"I'm upstairs" she typed. "Pls help"

On the opposite side of the house Kate was enjoying herself with a couple of other friends, but kept an eye on her phone. Jen texted her! "coming soon" She sent back, then flipped her phone shut and continued making out with a hot guy in the corner. Jen could handle herself for a few more minutes right?

Jen read the text. Whew, Kate was going to come up soon. "Joey found me SOS" she typed and then she closed her phone. God she felt dizzy, maybe she should sit down.

Joey was still next to her. "Who you texting?"

"Just Kate." The room felt faint and began to wobble slightly.

Meanwhile the blonde had read her texts and was hurrying upstairs at that moment. Joey was bad news and Kate had to find Jen right now.

She couldn't have been that drunk! What the fuck was going on? She hadn't had enough drinks to black out.

"Are you alright?" He asked, a smirk appeared on his face and then quickly was replaced with a sympathetic look.

"No no I'm really not. Where can I sit down?"

"Here let's go to my room, I locked it before the party, no one will be there. Want me to carry you?"

"No I can do it myself." Jen placed a hand on the wall to steady herself. She could do this right? This can't be that hard.

"Sure you don't need help?" Joey unlocked his door and she stumbled in through the doorway.

The room started spinning faster, getting dimmer and dimmer until she slumped down on the floor near the bed, unable to make it there completely. Her limbs felt heavy, like they were full of lead, and she couldn't move her arms to answer her phone even after hearing it buzz. Her mind went foggy, and finally everything turned to black.


ooh! What do you guys think, these next couple chapters may be a little bit triggering to some of you. I hope it is clear what happened, he put something in her drink essentially. This shit is actually really common at frat parties, and it's even happened a couple of times at my campus (and my school isn't even known for Greek life or partying) to friends and people I know who go to different schools. so like, be careful, this is just a story but know that it isn't that far removed from reality. Be safe when you go out!

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