Chapter 2

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After school was over, I was walking home when Chloe walked up to me. "Hay, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She said. I rolled my eyes. "What?" I asked. "You know Adrien, Alya, and Nino will leave you one day, right?" she asked. I quickly thought of a comeback. "Just like how they left you? I doubt they'll leave me, seeing as unlike you, I have a heart." She was angry. "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! You should check your messages more often." she said, and walked home.

I was a little confused as to what she meant, but I'm sure it was nothing. I walked home and as soon as I got to my room, my phone made a ping! noise. I checked my phone and there was a message from...Chloe?

It said: Hey, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Hope your day is going well. It's going to be worse tomorrow. Your friends are talking bad about you. Look!

I looked at the video she sent me. As soon as I finished watching it, I was heartbroken. Alya said I was only her friend because she needed someone to blabber to. Nino said I was super annoying. Even Adrien said something about me. What he said was the worst, though. He said I was nothing to him, Alya, or Nino and that they were just using me.

The next day was the worst day ever!  Chloe is saying mean stuff to me, meaner than usual, and I got in trouble by Mrs. Mendeleiev for not paying attention. 

I knew my friends would never say those things, right? She must've did something to make it look like that. They'd never betray me like that.

After school I was walking home when I got another message from Chloe. It said: Adrien was right. You are a nothing. I don't know why Sabrina and I waste our time on you. Oh yeah, because you're weak and nobody cares about what happens to you.

I gritted my teeth. "Stop lying." I managed to say, teeth still clenched. I walked into the bakery and was greeted by my dad. "Hi, sweetheart," he said, "How was your day?" I smiled a fake smile, hiding my anger. I'm good at that sort of thing. "It was good." I said, and went upstairs to my room.

I shut the door, went to the bathroom, and washed my face off in the sink to calm myself down. I came out and sat on my bed. "Why all of a sudden does she have to be so much meaner? Why does she have to be mean at all? What did I ever do to her?" I wondered aloud. She just doesn't stop. She never tells me what I did wrong.

Ping! Another message from Chloe. It said: You really don't deserve friends. You're a nothing. They don't actually care about you. Just letting you know. 

I can deal with this. It's not too much meaner than usual, so I can still stand up to her. If it's really personal, than I might have a breakdown. School has been so overwhelming. I just can't seem to pay attention in class.

The next morning was chaos. My father woke up with the stomach virus, Mom was really grouchy, and I was running late for school. I ran into Alya on the sidewalk. We were running as fast as we could.

When we got there, we were panting, trying to catch our breath. "That was crazy! This morning was chaos! My father woke up with the stomach virus, my mom was super grouchy, and I was running late for school." Alya said. That's strange.

"That's really weird. That happened to my family, too." I said, a little confused. Maybe it was an akuma? I should probably patrol later to see what's going on.

Nino came right after us. "Hey guys. The craziest thing happened this morning. My father is sick, my mom is grouchy, and I ran late for school." he said. We nodded, telling him that the same thing happened to us. Something really strange was going on.


I'm sorry the chapter was so long.Once I start writing or typing a story, I can't stop! I hope you're enjoying my story so far! Have a lovely day!

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