Chapter 14

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After school was over, I started to head home when Nathaniel walked up to me and asked if he could walk home with me. "Fine." I grumbled. He gave me a nervous look as we started walking. For the first half of the walk, it was silent. Nathaniel decided to break the silence.

"So, Marinette," he started. "I'm really sorry I stood you up the other day. It was just that my grandma was in the hospital and I had to go visit her." he said. Now that I think about it, on my way home that day I did see him come out of the hospital. I was wondering what was so important. "Don't worry about it. Now that I know what you weren't there for I forgive you." I said. He smiled and I smiled back.

We finally got to his house. "Bye, Marinette." he said. "Bye, Nathaniel." I responded. He walked into the front door and closed it. Now the walk back to my house. It's not that long. It's a couple blocks down the street.

After a couple minutes of walking, I ran into some burglars. "Hey, what's in that purse of yours?" one of them said. If I was Ladybug I would pound them so hard right now. "Uh...nothing important. Nothing you would need." I replied nervously. "Okay, then." he said. I chuckle nervously and saw him smirk. Why was he smirking, though? Suddenly, another burglar came up behind me and tried to grab my purse. I whipped around and yanked it from him.

I was getting annoyed. And by annoyed, I mean angry. And I know what happens when I'm angry. I felt Messenger coming and jumping into action. All of a sudden, I lost control. "I'm getting angry. Don't mess with me unless you want to be pounded into the ground!" I yelled. What am I saying? Messenger was controlling everything. 

"Fine, then. I've been itching for a fight." the second one said. They ran towards me. One of them threw a punch at me, but I grabbed it and made him punch himself. Half of that was being Ladybug, and the other half was Messenger. The other tried to kick me but I grabbed his leg, throwing him off balance. This was getting kind of fun. Bring it on!

Suddenly, Cat Noir came out of nowhere. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I always help a damsel in distress." he replied, giving me a wink. I blushed, but he didn't see it. He was too busy fighting the burglars. I jumped in to help him. We defeated them, of course.

"Nice moves, Marinette." Cat Noir complimented. "Thanks." I said. "Wanna walk home together?" he asked. I nodded. He picked me up and grabbed his staff. He extended it to make us level with a rooftop. He jumped onto the roof and started running across it, jumping from one roof to the next. We finally got to my house.

We stayed on the balcony for a little while. "You were great at defeating those burglars. I didn't know you had such moves!" Cat Noir said. "Well, I couldn't have done it without you. We make a pretty great team." I said. He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we do." I smiled.

After a while, he had to head home. "bye." I said. "Bye." he said, and jumped away. He really was a great partner.

The next day, during the middle of school, we had an akuma attack alert. I ran to the bathroom. I saw Adrien run to the bathroom, too. Huh. That's weird. I quickly transformed and ran to the danger. Seconds later, Cat Noir showed up, too.

"I am Water Siren! You will pay for polluting the oceans and making the sea creatures sick!" she said. This was gonna be a hard one. I could tell. After being a superhero for so long, you just get that sixth sense. 

She made the water from the ocean rise. Cat Noir jumped up to higher ground. "Did I mention cats don't like water?" he asked. I held back my laughter. This was serious. We had to save Paris. 

I jumped up next to him. "Don't worry, Kitty. We'll defeat her, just like we always do. Right?" I said. He smirked. "Right." he replied. I'm glad he was able to go through with fighting the akuma.

~After the Akuma~ ('Cause I'm Lazy)

We headed home. I got to my balcony and went in. "Spots off." I sighed, falling onto my bed. "That was tiring." Tikki said. I chuckled and handed her a cookie. "Ugh. I still have homework to do." I groaned. "Just don't do it 'till morning, then." a certain voice said. "You can't persuade me, Messenger." I said. "Ugh, fine." she grumbled, her voice fading away.

By the time I was done with my homework, it was night. I was exhausted. I changed and went to sleep. Tomorrow will be another day.


Hello, my lovelies! Tomorrow I might not be updating because I have to go to another part of my family's house for Thanksgiving. It might seem confusing but I'll save you the details. On Thanksgiving, I went to my mom's side of the family's house. Tomorrow, I'm going to my dad's side of the family's house. You all just read this, realizing it was a waste of time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't hesitate to give me suggestions on what to write next! Much love!

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