Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV

The coffee was rich and smooth. The steam was appealing. The stinging on my tongue felt good as i took a few sips. The Winter's business. I love their Coffee, its like they have powers that some how makes it so good.

I also work there...

But i love working here. It makes me feel like im doing something with my life. My best friend J hope works here. Sometimes me and him will come down here to have coffee when we walk here. My mom use to make coffee every morning before she went to work. The house would fill with a warm smell, kinda reminded me of fall. The image of brownish gold leaves falling of a tree to the cold ground fills my head. I wish i could go back to those times. The times where dad would play the piano to help me sleep, or the times when my mom would take a walk with me around the area. But now im older, moved out with a job. Im an adult. Im no longer a kid, i have to pay bills, run errands. I even sometimes take J hope to Bighit to go practice since he doesnt have a car.

Oh did i forget mention that i live in Korea now. Yeah....

I sip the last of my coffee while pulling out a couple of won to leave a tip for the waitress/waiter. Standing up and leaving my phone rings.


"Ah lexi-ssi you need to come real quick! Something great happened!"

I sigh. "J hope i have to run some errands, what could be so important right now?"

"Well Bighit is letting us take a summer vacation meaning....drumrole."

I laugh has J hope makes fake drumrole sounds. He really needs to practice that. "THE WHOLE SUMMER WITH YOU!!! and you can meet the boys finally im dying for you to meet them."

"J hope thats so great! I'll see you soon, bye"

J hope hangs up. He puts a smile on my face 24/7. He really doesnt like it when people are sad, it pains him. But he helped me through it all. Leaving my parents in America wasnt the easiest but i pulled through it. I thought i would never feel welcomed here but in the end there were some Americans here and i get along with them well. Korea isnt really bad, except for my Korean speaking...i suck pig at it, buuutttt im getting better.

Walking the streets on a warm day is nice. Turning the corners to a new place always facinates me. I was near a park by the coffee shop. I turn in the park and find a bench to sit on. The wind was blowing and the air was fresh. Smelt like life.... If that makes any sense... I dont know. I really never socialized when i moved here... I wasnt me i guess. I look over, kids screams of joy fill the park. I already wanted to soon...

I exit the park. I dont want to go home, i live alone. I live in a apartment around where Noelani lives, i guess its a nice neighborhood not my cup of tea though. My phone goes off again.

"Maryanna." I answer.

"Dude dude dude lexi guess what?"

"What" i say blankley, im not really in the mood for anymore GUESS WHAT'S.

"What crawled up your ass?" I roll my eyes.

"Just tell me what, mare i dont have time for this."

"Well, im off work today, i was wanting to know if you wanted to go to the movies to watch fifty shades of grey with me?"

Fifty shades of grey, i can feel my face heat up. I cant even watch a small sex scene without getting uncomfortable.

"Really mar-"

"Come on, it'll be fine just cover your eyes when parts come up."

"The movie is filled with porn, i mine as well not see the movie at all! I mean have you read the books."

"Actually, yes...yes i have and its great. Sooo i'll take it your going, see you at 8!"


"Eight!!!" And she hung up...damn it
I have no choice. She will drag me there. I roll my eyes mentaly. I pull out my phone for the time.

6:30 pm... Gives me time to soak in the bath tub.

Soaking in the tub is relaxing to me. I like my water scolding hot. It satisfies me. Wow, i sound depressed.

I get out the bathtub after an hour or so. I have 10 minutes to get dressed. I pull out my black leggings and a big t- shirt tying it in a knot and slipping my vans on.

"Hey mare." I say when i swing the door open. "You ready?" I nod.

*time skip drive*
It took literally an hour to get our tickets because there was a long line.. Damn is this movie that good? I shake my head. "You get a seat and i'll be back with popcorn." I nod finding the room.

Room 120, 220, 320, 420 here it is. Funny... Right now they were playing trailers so people can get settled before the movie starts. I find a seat in the second row putting Maryanna's purse next to my seat. The place wasnt that pact maybe 14 people total... I totally didnt count out of boredom...i...i did. Half the people here were couple, mostly men.

But one guy caught my eye... Just one.

He had vibrent red hair, he looked short but taller than me. He was built looking to. He was handsom, very attractive. His lips were what caught my attention... He looked lole a model. O lord he was coming to the second row.

"Is anyone sitting here." I look up in awe a blush creeping on my face. I shake my head no. I was speechless. I couldnt talk, i tried to but if i did it would come out as a squeak. "Thank you."

I nod turning away. I cant look at him. Maryanna came back with popcorn right when the movie started. Ten minutes im the movie and i was red and using mares jacket to cover my face.. I felt eyes on me. I didnt really look who because who cares.

"Your red." I felt hot breath on my ear making me jump. It was the guy next to me.. "Excuse me?" He sighs shaking his head. "Obvously this movie makes you uncomfortable, i bet your a virgin." He remarkes. I was quiet offended. I mean he isnt wrong but who does he think he is to asume my sex drive like AHH. Damn this hot man.

"Your a" He laughed. I turn away mad putting my attention on the screen then immediately covering my face. Moans filled the movie theater... It sounded like we were having a orgi...

I felt his lips against my ear. "I bet you cant watch this movie without covering your eyes or squriming." This cocky bastard.

I look at him glaring. "Bet." He pulls out his hand asking for me to shake it. And i gladly do. I can do this.... It cant be that hard.

The movie was almost over and i have survived so far. I would here a chuckle from the guy next to me.

Finally after 30 minutes the movie ends. It felt like hours. "Wasnt it great?" Mare asks as the cool night air hits us." I shake my head laughing. "I guess it wasnt that bad."

Mares face goes blank. "Shit i left my purse in there, here stay here, i need my keys to leave." I shake my head. She lost her keys the other day what is wrong with her. I heard clapping behind me i turn around to see the man that sat next to me. "You survived, good job." He says smiling. He looked good.

"Well dont underestimate me, because i always win a bet."

"Sure..hey i never got your name?" He asks shoving his hands in his pockets. "My name? My name is Alexis but call me Lexi." He nods. "Well my name is Jimin, Park Jimin. See you later."

Jimin....Park jimin. i whisper to myself.

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