Chapter 22

22 1 0

Lexi POV

It was noon and we were walking to the cafe. Everyone was there except Yoongi and Kylie. They were late like us. Well… one minute late. “Okayy, I got your favorites.” Jin handed us our drinks when we all get settled in the seats. The place was homey but it wasn’t like Winters Cafe. the smell was sweet and warm. Everyone was chattering and talking about the flight and how Taehyung was drooling on Kookies shoulder. I thanked Namjoon and Jin for the whole trip and the first class plane. “So, I decided we rest today and get rid of our jet lag and then tomorrow we have breakfast, go sight seeing then go swimming. Sound good?” we all agree and carry on with our conversations. “Guys, obviously Yoongi and Kylie had their time together or she didn’t want to brush her hair.” we all burst into laughter, even Yoongi. Kylie looks at Taehyung with a death glare. “Actually Taehyung, I did brush my hair. It’s the fact that I have someone to mess it up unlike you.” everyone gets quiet and Taehyung’s face drops to a glare. “For your information, I don’t get my hair messy, I mess up the hair.”

“GUYS!! WE ARE EATING!!” Jin yells. He was shook. I look at Jungkook and he was red. When will they tell people that they obviously love each other. Kylie finishes her pancake that she ordered and asks Tae, “anyway Tae, whose hair are you messing with?” he looks down, his face going red. But he quickly changes and proudly puts his arm around Jungkook. “I mean, why should I hide that i’m gay for Kookie here.” Jungkook smacks his chest. “Hyung.” he whines. “YAH Taehyung stop playing!!” Tae looks at Jin with a serious face. “I’m not.” everyone stops talking. Things are quiet. “Guys, I guess I should tell you… I’m proudly gay, and me and Kook are together. Now carry on with yourselves.” no one said anything. We just all smiled and hugged them while telling them we are happy for them. “So what are we doing after this?” Jimin asks. Namjoon hums in realization, “we are free do to whatever. So cherish it because Jin wrote a whole schedule for the whole month.” we nod and continue in our day.

Later we all finished and went our ways. I was walking to the cabin to get my swimsuit because I wanted to go on the beach for a little bit. I guess Mare and Namjoon were too. I walk in the cabin and grab my swimsuit. It was just a plain basic one piece. Nothing special. I’m not into showing my body off so I just go with a simple plan and go with it. I grab my towel and sunglasses and head to the beach. There wasn’t a lot of people there. Just some couples and families, counting Maryanna and Namjoon. It was pretty here. The time was currently 7PM because we took forever to eat a simple muffin and drink some fraps but noo Jin had to order a fricken meal. The sky had this warm and cool look to it. The warm colors mixing with the cool ones. Pink, red and orange, some blue. I put my sunglasses on because the sun was still out. It was a bright orange. I close my eyes enjoying the soft breeze on my skin. I feel someone taking my sunglasses off of my face making me open my eyes. “Namjoon?” he gives me the winning dimple smile and sits next to me. “Maryanna went to go fix us dinner in our cabin so I decided to kill time by chatting with you.”

I nod. “So, what is the deal with you and Jimin, not to mention Hoseok to?” he asks. I knew he would ask me something like this and I am will to tell him. I sigh deeply and smile. Because come to think of it, things are going smoothly right now. “Well, you know I love Jimin and he didn’t so he used me and I let him. I was getting tired of it and hoseok loved me at the time so I figure ‘why not have a healthy relationship.’ so I went with him. I tried and tried to feel the same but all I could feel was that he was like a brother to me and I couldn’t love him back. So he finally told me that he really probably ‘loved’ me because he was single and wanted a girl so we broke it off.” he nods as he listens. I really love Jimin. I told myself when I moved here not to trust anyone but, that failed and now I am friends- family with Bangtan and Kylie also Maryanna. This year was chaotic and different but in the end it doesn’t even matter. The fact that we go through pain. The pain off loss and the pain of betrayal. “You know-” Namjoon started.

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