Chapter 29

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Lexi's POV

Sixteen hours later and we had made it to the airport in time for the boys to board their early plane. We all had jet lag so we were really slow. "Gate 15 is boarding the early plane, please board quickly in five minutes." my face drops. They'll be leaving for Hong Kong. "Guys, it's time to go." Jin gives us a sad smile.

The boys crowed around us girls in a group hug. "This was an interesting summer, I'll miss you guys." they gave us a big squeeze and let us go. Some of the boys split to their girlfriends to say goodbye. Jimin slowly walks up to me, pulling me into his warm embrace.

Just a few months ago I was mad at him. I was hurt and dead. Now I love him and saying goodbye, but not forever. "Oh sugar toots, six months okay?" I nod and nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck. "I'm going to miss you." he hums, leaving peppered kisses on my neck. "I'll try to call as much as I can, okay?" he pulls my shoulders, making me face him.

"Okay, I think I'm going to rest when I get home, I'm not feeling well. Please call me when you get there and be safe... I love you" he smiles, kissing my nose then my lips softly. "Rest well. I love you too." he gives me one last soft kiss. Tears fill my eyes as we all stand and watch them board the plane. "Can we all go home and cry together?" Kylie speaks up. Maryanna and I look at her. We had serious faces until Kylie bursts into laughter making us laugh too.

"What you say, ice cream and a movie?"

"Sounds great."

One Month later

It's been a whole month without him. I've been running a small fever and puking. Jimin calls at least twice a week which is okay with me as long as I get that call. Kylie has taken double shifts to distract herself from missing Yoongi a lot. Maryanna got a job at Winters Cafe. I just got off of work. I was in the bathroom puking.

"God.." my stomach make another turn. My face buried in the toilet as I spew my lunch. "Fuck.!" I hold my stomach as I keep puking. I sit on the toilet as my head was in my hands.

"He was protected I swear."

The memories wouldn't come back to me. For the past month, I had been sick. "Why can't I remember?" I pick up the phone to call Maryanna.

"Hello, hello!"


"What's wrong?"

"I need you to pick something up for me before you come over."

"And that is?"

I gulp before the two words leave my mouth. Sweat trickling down my face.

"A pregnancy test, please."


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