Chapter 3

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Lexi's POV

Park Fricken Jimin. We made awkward eye contact his eyes widen as he see's me.

"Lexi?" J hope looks at us weirdly.

Pointing at me he asks. "You...know lexi?" Jimin nods. "I met her at the movie theaters.

One of the boys face palmed. He had mint green hair. "Jimin.... Please dont tell me you went to go watch fifty shades of grey?"

" i was serious. You didn't think i was?"

"Whats fifty shades of grey hyung?"

"Nothing Kookie just go back to playing your games." I was confused at the moment, before i could say anything J hope speaks.

"OKAY, let me introduse you."

"Guys this is lexi and maryanna." He says pointing at me the maryanna. He goes and stands by the tall one.

"This is Namjoon our leader, this is Seokjin but call him Jin and oppa for you, he's the eldest, this is Yoongi, we call him Suga but for you it's also Oppa." I cringe at the thought. I never really had to call anyone oppa. I never thought of using honorifics.

"This is Taehyung, we call him V but whatever makes you comfy. This is Jimin as you already know i guess and last but not least our Golden Maknae Jungkook, kookie for short."

"Annyeong, its nice to meet you all!" Me and Mare say. The Namjoon guy gives Mare a wierd look. What is she up to.....

"Ahem guys.... Lexi..." Namjoon walked up to me. "I already know Maryanna because we're dating."

"Oh...really?" I ask. I shoot mare a 'imma beat your ass' look as he nods.

"Im happy."

"Wait hyung, how do you know Lexi?" The youngest one asks. I believe thats the Kookie one. J hope looked nervous. I know he isn't suppose to have a side job so he doesn't have time to get out when really he does.

"Well I..." I know Namjoon knew, J hope told me a few days back. "I kind of have a side job...BUT please dont tell manager-nim!"

They all nodded. "You'll have to tell him though. You cant keep it forever."

"I know."

"Okay how about we just hang out amd chill maybe play some games and drink a little.

We all settle down, Jungkook and Taehyung playing video games, Namjoon and Yoongi are sitting drinking while going over lyrics, Jin and J hope are watching Jungkook and Taehyung, Jimin... I didnt know where he went. I was sitting on the coutch with Mare.. She ended up with Namjoon though .. I wonder how they met. I think i'll ask her on the way home.

Jimin walks in meeting my eyes and walking towards me. "I thought it was such a coincidence that you so happen to be best friends with J hope." He says sitting next to me on the couch.

"Yeah, i was hoping i would bump into you, never thought you."

"Oh really? You wanted to see me?" Smirking he scoots closer to me.

Heat creeps up on my face making me cover them with my hoodie sleeve. "I- i just.. I didn't want to see you.... I was just i-"

"Cat caught your tongue?"

"Pffftt no I just-"

"You know.." He leans into my ear..

"You shouldn't be telling lies."

he knows.... Every guy knows when a girl lies huh....i did want to see him. Im just saving myself from embarrassment.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't lie, just admit it lexi, you cant resist a handsom man like me"

Rolling my eyes i push him away. "In your dreams Mochi Cake." He raises his eyebrows. "Mochi cake... Really. I give you sugar toots and i get Mochi cake?" Nodding i laugh. "Yeah maybe if i get to know you i'll find a different nick name for you."

"Good... I dont like mochi cake."

"And i dont like sugar toots but we get what we get right."

Hours later we all just hung out. We drunk a little except for Jungkook and Jimin. And played games while getting to know one another also exchanging numbers. It was nice. Mare wanted to stay with Mare so I left instead.

"Bye guys it was nice hope to talk later." I was about to leave when Jimin stopped me.

"Hey before you go, i just wamted to say that I had fun tonight and I was hoping we get to know Each other more... Maybe hang out again?"

"I would like that Jimin."

Smiling brightly he hugs me. "Great, text me when you get home safely, okay?" I nod waving goodbye as i head to my car.

I unlock my apartment door, getting dressed for bed and jumping on my bed snuggling into the blankets.

"Shit, I almost forgot." I pull out my phone texting Jimin.

Lexi: I made it home safe and sound.

Mochi Cakes: good. Now get a goog night sleep sugar toots.

Rolling my eyes i text goodnight then slipping into a slumber.

8:35 AM. My day off. Yay. Kylie texted me wanting to watch a movie. I asked her if I could bring J hope and his six friends. Took awhile to convince her but she caved in. Who would resist cute little Asians? I mean arn't they jist adorable or what? After five minutes or so im dressed amd ready to go to Kylie's house. J hope wanted to pick me up so it will be a one trip. Maryanna was already with them.

"Get in my car heathen.!" J hope opens the door all bubbly. I worry about his sanity sometimes.

"Hi Lexi!!!" Jungkook yells. He seemed extra happy today. I have come to find out that he's a happy boy. And i thought J hope was the sunshine. But Jungkook is cute happy. I took note to tell him that he's a cute bunny. "Hey kookie."

I plug in my headphones after buckling up. Kylie lives on the other side of town because there isn't much 'social interaction' as she says. Gotta love Kylie. The song Sweet Lies fills my ears. Looking out the window and watching the leaves fall to the ground soothed me. I was currently sitting next to Taehyung and he had alot of sugar today so i guess it isn't good so i just drown out the sounds. I tap my fingers along the seat in front of me nodding my head with the music.

Relaxation she she said. A mixture of rain and paint across the walls. She was fire. He envyed that. Its was light and darkness walking on snow, coloring the plainess of the snow. Cold and warm was the answer. Relaxation she said.

"We're here." My thoughts were interrupted by J hope's voice the car coming to a stop at Kylie's house.

Kylie texted me to just walk in. I guess she was busy with something. Walking in I see a lump on the couch. Sleeping...figures. My eyes widen, Yoongi was heading towards the couch didnt he see the human on the couch.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!??!" And he has released the crackin.

Kylie springs up as Yoongi is sitting on her. "Why are you sitting on me? Get off."

Yoongi shrugs. "Should've moved."

Raising her eyebrows she nods. "I like you, you may sit as long as you get off of me." wow... Surprised she didnt bite his leg off. Yoongi gladly get off so she can sit up.

"We're watching Train to Busan. You guys can sit if you want. Ill start the movie and get popcorn."

Wel all sit in one bunch sense she as one couch.

Five on the couch, five on the floor.

Order on the couch goes: Kylie, Yoongi, me, Jimin, and Jin.

Then on the floor, Jungkook, Taehyung, Maryanna, Namjoon and J Hope.

10 minutes in the movie and i was squashed. Jimin was pressed up against me. I push a little trying to move.

Pushing Jimin harder my hamd slip, hitting something forbidden.

"Ouch! Lexi!"

I just punched Jimin in the crotch.

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