Chapter 8

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Lexi's POV

It's been two days sense the party and I have been trying to avoid. Jimin after what happend. So I hung out with the other guys. I learned alot that I didn't know. Like Taehyung has a dog that I never see around but okay! Hoseok....thats weird... I never call him that. J hope had a girlfriend once then she left him. Jungkook is a total pro at over watch, I never seen a boy get so angry so fast over a level. Namjoon is just relatable and is wise. If I needed advice I would go to Namjoon. Jin is just a sweetheart and also wise. Jin will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear and I respect that out of a person. But the most part of it was Yoongi. His thoughts were deep and also wise too. His responses were more I dont know ummm not normal? I relate to him the most. He had struggles just like I did when I was young. Depression hit him as hard as it hit me and I understand.

Anyway, I'm back at my apartment Sitting. I have 20 days left until my suspension is done and I go back to work with an apology for the customers and Jeydan. J hope has been working overtime even though he should be spending his vacation else where. Jimin has been texting me and i'll either say im busy or leave with short responses. I just can't face him after what happend. He left a hickey!!! And I wasn't ready for that. I barley know him. I mean, I know him as in a person but I dont know Him. His past, his flaws and imperfections. His true self. I want to know that Jimin. When I was getting to know Yoongi, he told me Jimin use to be so cold to people. Girls especially. That je always had some sort of game with them. But he didn't tell me anything else. He just said, "cage your heart before the lion gets out." I didn't know what he meant by that. Im still confused. My brain hurts all the time just trying to figure out what im doing in life. J hope hides his secret to manger nim about having a side job just to still be my friend. If he found out, it's over for all of us. I wouldn't be able to see him or the boys anymore.

I've noticed Kylie and Yoongi have gotten closer and closer eachday. There was one point where she stopped texting me out of no where amd come to find out she was at the BTS dorm with Yoongi. I ship it....all they way.... 

My phone dings, interrupting my thoughts. I look at my phone. Jimin texted me again.

Mochi Cakes: lexi? You've been ignoring me without telling me why and I don't like it.

I sigh. One of the boys had to have told him something. My phone dings again.

Mochi Cakes: will you at least meet me at Winter's Cafe and talk to me? I miss being annoying.

I hesitate to presss the send button.

Lexi: okay... Give me a few minutes

He replies fast giving me an okay. I quickly get up throwing on jeans and a shirt, throwing my hair in a bun. I didn't care about what I looked liked.

"Lexi." Jimin gives me a soft smile when he see's me. I sit across from him in the booth. I'm allowed to be here just not work. "Hi.." We order our coffee's and muffins, munching on them quietly. Jimin clears his throat to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He looked kind of saddned. I look at my hands as I twiddle with them. "Ummm well.. To be honest? I couldn't face you after you left a hickey on my neck."

"Why? I'm just marking whats mine."

My eye's widen. My face heats up as I continue to look at my fingers. "W-what?" I look up at Jimin. He was staring into my eye's. Kinda thought he was going to take my soul.

"Exactly what I said."

I shake my head. It kinda annyoed me. "Jimin, that's not all. I barley know you. You barley know me to develop such feelings."

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